Solace MUD Official Forum

General => The Inn => Topic started by: omledufromage on March 26, 2008, 06:29:56 am

Title: *Rusty little wheels turning inside my head*
Post by: omledufromage on March 26, 2008, 06:29:56 am
I ask for forgiveness in advance for making reference to other topics and perhaps saying things that some would not like to hear.

Now, witness the words of someone who has nothing better to say:

- 2IMMs: I appreciate all your hard work and I really like speaking with you. You are all very nice and reasonable people. Perhaps someday I will be like you are.

- 2thelovelyladies: Seems it is not very wise to be more direct right now. I like you all and hope were not mislead by disk-booty (as I already know you were not)  ;D

- 2disk-booty: 'Reveal thy true nature and self, coward!'

- 2Coders: Switch from turtle to cheetah, eh?  ;D

- 2everyone else: Be prepAAAred!!! (lalala)
Beware the dawn of a new solace, where no one are powerful in the beginning and everyone has an equal chance to ... *Duhh*... collect nice shinies  ??? and ... *DUH* ... become uber powerful, considering of course that if you are good you have one hell of an advantage because you can request!  :o
But if you are evil.... then you are evil dude!  ;)

- 2MydearRussianfriends:
Stop writing in russian in forum... translator isn't all that efficient you now...and very confusing.  :P

Title: Re: *Rusty little wheels turning inside my head*
Post by: Kage on March 26, 2008, 06:36:54 am
p.s. I love women and would not wish to disrespect any either..I only jest with Nierth because she is the only one who talks to us plebians.  I am quite sure the women of this world do not need "some" knucklehead defending them.  People r getting a little stir crazy without our Solace fix is all.

Title: Re: *Rusty little wheels turning inside my head*
Post by: Nierth on March 26, 2008, 10:16:37 am
Argonar, Imms like to talk to you too, believe me:)

And about disks and so on... Thank you, Argonar. Everything's gonna be allright (c)