Title: damage skill instead of PULL skill Post by: Critic on April 07, 2008, 01:45:30 pm PULL now is almost unusable skill (nor me neither noone I know don't use this skill in PK for some reasons).
I suggest remove it from whip spec and add one damage skill with whips/flail. Title: Re: damage skill instead of PULL skill Post by: oD1n on April 07, 2008, 04:28:38 pm warders use it nice to pull their enemy in briars, so don't lie ;) and not all skills should be usefull in pk
Title: Re: damage skill instead of PULL skill Post by: Critic on April 07, 2008, 05:03:29 pm Warders are just waiting in briars in 99% cases.
Skill shouldn't be created for the only class in one clan. Title: Re: damage skill instead of PULL skill Post by: Raider on April 07, 2008, 06:44:11 pm there are uses for pull. Raise chances and everyone will use it.
Same goes for choke. And many other skills. But adding damage thingie to whip, handtohand and axe would be nice. Btw, compare jab, overhead and pugil. Jab sucks. -str affect of harpoon is weak also. Too many issues with fighters... Title: Re: damage skill instead of PULL skill Post by: deda on April 07, 2008, 07:15:31 pm sucky jab is compensated by buggy chargeset... btw, in what way is it buggy? I saw misses and no spectacular damage...
Title: Re: damage skill instead of PULL skill Post by: deda on April 08, 2008, 12:10:27 am you can do the same with riposte, or restrike...
Title: Re: damage skill instead of PULL skill Post by: omledufromage on April 08, 2008, 12:35:21 am Its different... You have to stay in the battle and risk taking lots of damage with riposte or restrike... And If you are a minotaur or another low dex char you will take lots of damage considering your oponent. But with chargeset, you can enter chargeset and flee, before a full round even takes part. And of course... not to mention, you will stay so little that warrior's spirit will continue working... and so you are permanently healing while you do this strategy, which is not true when using riposte or restrike.
Title: Re: damage skill instead of PULL skill Post by: Kage on April 08, 2008, 01:01:21 am - Yes it is abusable...just a little patience is all it takes but some think fighters need some work. It could be worse...I could mention the abuse of brace skill plus wyvern watch, dont even need to flee ;)
p.s. pincer is a pretty good axe damaging skill. H2H could use something...malediction skill maybe like nerve. Make pull mutilate on failed attempts..problem solved. Title: Re: damage skill instead of PULL skill Post by: Triumph on April 08, 2008, 03:20:40 am Well I think pull is a great skill. in my opinion, people don't use this skill because it isn't reliable.... it might not work everytime, and there are SO many other options in a fight that pop into your head before you think to use the pull skill.
But pull has many cool uses... people just dont use it. Pull people to your clan guard, ranger can pull someone into forest, etc. |