Title: Solace Site Post by: Habbakuk on November 05, 2005, 10:51:43 pm After a few months of work, we've set up the Solace Official Site in its basic version. It will be under constant monitoring and development, new sections are going to appear soon.
Title: Re: Solace Site Post by: Crusader on November 05, 2005, 11:03:23 pm Nice site. But first annoying thing. Then I refresh a page it move to home page. In case with forum it's not handy.
Title: Re: Solace Site Post by: Werewolf on November 05, 2005, 11:07:10 pm Gameplay/Races/Kenders:
The ability to 'Have special skills when using hoopak' is mentioned twice. Title: Re: Solace Site Post by: Werewolf on November 05, 2005, 11:13:46 pm Organizations/Clans:
There is one important detail which is not infrequently forgotten. Only members of a Clan may use teleporting spells and abilities (ADD: within the clan hall) (like Vanish skill; Teleport, Word of Recall, Gate, Wildhome and Portals spells), for everyone else the teleportation is blocked. And maybe just say 'frequently forgotten'? ----------------------------------------------- Another one: How To Join A Clan: To all those wanting to apply as apprentice for the Clan, write down a short story about the background of his/her character and reasons to join a Clan and send this note to Leader of the Clan (mortal or Immortal or both). As well, you can address your application letter only to Immortals if you are not sure that a Clan has mortal leader. Leaders of Clans often send notes to all inhabitants of Krynn informing them about the opening of Clan's gates for applicants. They also can send a note containg information about the end of recruitment. After sending such petition you should wait patiently until Leader of clan meet with you and interview. Characters who wish to advance to the rank of Supplicant of Clan are required to pass the Test. It can be quest or order to fight or whatever Leader likes. Hmm 'this' petition? The previous two sentences are about Leaders' notes.. I'd move all the text after the first bolded part to the first paragraph, where the actions of an applicant are described. Also, I suppose it should be 'meets you and interviews'. Title: Re: Solace Site Post by: Habbakuk on November 05, 2005, 11:23:42 pm Quote Nice site. But first annoying thing. Then I refresh a page it move to home page. In case with forum it's not handy. I hope Roberto'll fix it as soon as possible.Quote The ability to 'Have special skills when using hoopak' is mentioned twice. Fixed.Quote There is one important detail which is not infrequently forgotten. Only members of a Clan may use teleporting spells and abilities (ADD: within the clan hall) (like Vanish skill; Teleport, Word of Recall, Gate, Wildhome and Portals spells), for everyone else the teleportation is blocked. Fixed.On these days, we'll make a Solace Site section on forum for ideas and mistakes. Several people were working on various site sections, so, no doubt, there could be numerous mistakes and discords. Title: Re: Solace Site Post by: Werewolf on November 05, 2005, 11:28:09 pm Classes/Fighters:
Whatever their beliefs', few can stand for long against a skilled warrior, magic or no. Why '? Maybe "whatever are their beliefs, ..."? Added: my point was about an extra apostrophe actually. As a programmer, the extra and missing punctuation marks is the first thing I notice in english texts ;) Another one: Combat/Player vs Mobile and won t hesitate to kill you. Combat/PK Upon death, a player s soul returns to their hometown temple Gods/Paladine ... . is avatar is that of Fizban, ... Gods/Nuitari Some of Nuitari's titles include: Ungod, Devouring Dark, Nightreaver, and Black Hand, Feats/Weapon focus Gain additional damage and hitroll while using the weapon of chosen type. Adds up to 4, 6, 8 hitroll on each circle. Doesn't it add damroll as well? Clans/Knights of the Lily The text is a bit odd. In Solace there is no 5th level that spoken about. Also, not every knight of Takhisis becomes a Lily knight first. Shrines/Morgion The few people unfortunate enough to encounter this reclusive God see a rotting humanoid corpse, topped with a goat-s head. His great distrust that rivals Sargonnas-s makes Sargonnas his second worst enemy. Mishakal his is worst enemy, ... To stop all action of Mishakal's, and Sargonnas-s followers Organizations/Silvanesti The last part is titled 'Solvanost Government' Title: Re: Solace Site Post by: Sir Solan on November 06, 2005, 12:00:28 am Actually, "whatever their beliefs" is alright as far as I know, but the "magic or no" is a bit off, should be something like "whether they wield magic or not"
Addition: In response to Niano's comment (editing instead of reposting to not spam), I still don't think "magic or no" works, but "magic or not" might. Title: Re: Solace Site Post by: Niano on November 06, 2005, 12:07:53 am magic or no is perfectly fine. A much more formal style, but it is proper.
Title: Re: Solace Site Post by: Sir Solan on November 06, 2005, 12:25:03 am From Knight's section of classes
"and even bestow a holy frenzy upon their comrades." Unless this was changed recently, Knights can only cast frenzy on themselves. Though if I'm mistaken, I'll easily accept it :) Also, in both the racial and class sections, it doesn't mention experience penalties for either. Any possibility of this being added, for one or both? Title: Re: Solace Site Post by: jAx on November 06, 2005, 05:19:58 am Roberto won't need to fix it, I have found a few ways around it...that is with refreshing just the forum.
Open in into a new tab or window, you will still have the full sized forum and be able to just refresh it at will. I use AOL Explorer..where I can open new tabs and such. This works with Mozilla Firefox also and other supporting internet sites. If not save into you favorites this site : http://solace.i-read-you.ru/forum/index.php Title: Re: Solace Site Post by: myx0m0p on November 06, 2005, 05:26:28 am Such problems its cause using frames. I have a self-written content managament system (CMS), if you wish I can give you source, you can simple build site with it. Contact me if you need it.
Title: Re: Solace Site Post by: Sirrion on November 06, 2005, 07:59:54 am Nice site. But first annoying thing. Then I refresh a page it move to home page. In case with forum it's not handy. Such problems its cause using frames. I have a self-written content managament system (CMS), if you wish I can give you source, you can simple build site with it. Contact me if you need it. For now, we're not planning to change layout and things like using frames. To refresh a frame but not the whole site, click right button on free space inside frame and choose 'Refresh' (works in all civilized browsers). You can access forum at http://solace.i-read-you.ru/forum (alone) and at http://solace.i-read-you.ru/?forum - inside the site. To give a link to a friend, for example to logs archive, use http://solace.i-read-you.ru/?logs. (Page name after '?', one word is enough if it has more). Title: Re: Solace Site Post by: Nierth on November 07, 2005, 12:22:43 am Werewolf, I can call it - fresh look =)
Thanks for reporting. Title: Re: Solace Site Post by: Werewolf on November 07, 2005, 10:57:54 am Always welcome. :)
By the way, it was very funny to learn that the primary goal of Zeboim followers is to bring her words to the hearts of dwarves, who have never seen any sea at all. Was it mentioned in some DL book? Though taken as it's stated, sounds like bringing the words of Morgion into the hearts of kenders... :) ;) Title: Re: Solace Site Post by: Nierth on November 07, 2005, 11:35:10 am Always welcome. :) By the way, it was very funny to learn that the primary goal of Zeboim followers is to bring her words to the hearts of dwarves, who have never seen any sea at all. Was it mentioned in some DL book? Though taken as it's stated, sounds like bringing the words of Morgion into the hearts of kenders... :) ;) *shrugs and whispers Werewolf :"Ask Zeboim"* =) bwt, in the part about Knights of the Lily there are words from history, I suppose. Now the process of becoming Knight of *Lily, Thorn, Skull*becomes easier. Title: Re: Solace Site Post by: Werewolf on November 07, 2005, 12:01:33 pm Of course, it is necessary to give a historical background, but as it is the official site of the game, some people, new to it, may literally understand what is said. The reference to some 5th level is rather confusing, as it came from a desktop RPG (see http://www.dl3e.com/taladas/nexus/display.aspx?id=10983, for instance).
By the way, http://www.dl3e.com/taladas/nexus/ is a very useful resource for learning the history of Krynn, and it is rather hard to find it, starting from the dl3e root, even knowing pretty well what you look for. So I suggest to add the link to 'Resources' part of site. Title: Re: Solace Site Post by: master on November 07, 2005, 01:29:03 pm Pros: Nice site. Good interface. Simple, but good.
Cool pictures of Gods and classes. Links to Dragonlance resources. Downloadable logs idea is for zachot! Many things explained by your own words, not just pasted from help. Crafting explained. There are many text and details. Shrined described. Cons: Picture of thief looks like texas cowboy. RP specifics for races are missing (for example honor and arena for minos). Ideas: Could be added next dbases: Items of Krynn, creatures of Krynn and flora of Krynn (flowers mushrooms etc.). Pictures of races. The main thing to add : newbie guide. There must be written somewhere that you need 18 wis for 3 and 15 wis for 2 pracs. It is so important for newbies, or else they will roll char in wrong way. Could be added at lease new map of palanthas, for newbies. Title: Re: Solace Site Post by: Taiko on November 11, 2005, 11:19:44 am KILL FRAMES! :P Rest is very good..
And make forum open in new window.. and fix css, i mean color of visited links.. prolly it's a feature... :) probably people already posted all those things... terribly sorry if so happened ::) Title: Re: Solace Site Post by: Antarex on November 11, 2005, 01:11:00 pm To open forum in new window just use direct link http://solace.i-read-you.ru/forum
Title: Re: Solace Site Post by: Taiko on November 11, 2005, 07:29:09 pm it's not very comfortable... better write target=_blank :)
every site works this way usualy PS KILL FRAMES :) |