Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Bugs => Topic started by: Malyki on April 19, 2008, 12:12:24 am

Title: Shopkeepers
Post by: Malyki on April 19, 2008, 12:12:24 am
Should they be able to tell you that they don't trade with folks they don't see if they are sleeping?

[log]You whack the shopkeeper over the head with a heavy looking sack. Ouch.

< E> l
You attempt to hide.

< E> The general store
  Basic supplies for adventuring and everyday life are for sale here.
The store is quite plain, only holding what is needed for sale, and
nothing more. The hardwood floor is polished, and the walls are clean
and spotless. It's a bit warm because the bakery is close by.

[Exits: east]
The shopkeeper is sleeping here.
A woman of Caergoth is doing some shopping.

< E> li
The shopkeeper says, 'I don't trade with folks I can't see.'

< E>
The blacksmith yells, 'Weapons and armour, forged daily!'
< E> vis
You step out of the shadows.

< E> li
The shopkeeper says, 'I don't trade with folks I can't see.'

< E> [/log]

Nothing major as most people don't put them to sleep

Title: Re: Shopkeepers
Post by: Quino on May 17, 2008, 05:55:18 pm
I'll tell you more - you can buy staff from this shop without shopkeeper at all ;D

Title: Re: Shopkeepers
Post by: Kiri-Jolith on October 11, 2008, 11:19:52 pm
Made some workarounds to avoid such behavior.