Title: Terrain/riding Post by: omledufromage on April 21, 2008, 11:16:17 pm I have an idea that I think makes a little sense. Not only it is more tiresome to walk in mountains or forests then in normal roads, but it also is slower. I would like to suggest, although lots will dislike this, that there be a small lag when walking in difficult terrain, and when riding this lag would be diminished. Note that flying would be as good or better then walking on roads. I think it would be nice, and also could give some strategic addition to PK.
Main problem is that it could get boring and take to much time only to get to certain places... Title: Re: Terrain/riding Post by: zondra on April 21, 2008, 11:23:05 pm i think that would be so annoying. i think loose moves in enough, i can see that causing alot of crash bugs..if you wanna be that real than you flying shouldn't let your mount cross rivers....
Title: Re: Terrain/riding Post by: omledufromage on April 22, 2008, 12:52:13 am Funny you should say that.... I already made a comment about pets crossing rivers while only their owners fly on the bug section. I just saw that Kiri replied and said it wont be gettin' fixed. Well... I guess just forget about it whole topic I guess..