Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Ideas => Topic started by: Trinli on November 07, 2005, 03:43:04 am

Title: Bards
Post by: Trinli on November 07, 2005, 03:43:04 am
Couldn't help but notice that Bards are available, but locked. I may have been one of the VERY few people who liked bards back in the original, but I am still currious if/when there is a plan for unlocking them. I for one would love to bug check em, but then I'm not really quallified.

Hope some people out there remember little ol' me.

The Song is my Life and my Purpose

Title: Re: Bards
Post by: jemma on November 07, 2005, 04:52:41 am
I do :D but you already know that :D

Yes, few of us like bards, and liked having them around too. So maybe up the track, bards will make a comeback? :)

Title: Re: Bards
Post by: kodziro on November 07, 2005, 04:54:57 am
what the problem with bards?
why they were removed? were they TOO imbalanced?

Title: Re: Bards
Post by: Lord Solinari on November 07, 2005, 05:50:04 am
As I understood it at the time, there were a considerable number of small, or sometimes not so small, bugs with various bard skills.  It was never a matter of unbalance, but of new things to fix occuring constantly.  There are a good number of other innovative new ideas in-progress at the moment, so bards will be returned when we have the time to ensure all is well with them, and correct what isn't.  Such is my understanding, at least :)

Title: Re: Bards
Post by: jemma on November 07, 2005, 06:32:03 am
As I understood it at the time, there were a considerable number of small, or sometimes not so small, bugs with various bard skills.  It was never a matter of unbalance, but of new things to fix occuring constantly.  There are a good number of new ideas in-progress at the moment, so bards will be returned when we're able to ensure all is well with them.  Such is my understanding, at least :)

Neat. Thanks for the information. Good to know what's happening. :)

Title: Re: Bards
Post by: Niano on November 07, 2005, 06:47:41 am
Finally, some answers. God, i've been petitioning for ever to get bards back, i'm glad to hear their might be a chance. Yes, I, oh dear, i'm too excited now, better go lie down...

Title: Re: Bards
Post by: Trinli on November 07, 2005, 07:30:07 am
Thanks for the info, nice to hear they're being worked on, no class is quite like them.

And what is this? A fellow bard? Which path do you perfer? I'm partial to jester, though I suppose this isn't the place for such a question.

Title: Re: Bards
Post by: Lord Solinari on November 07, 2005, 08:45:36 am
I don't recommend holding your breath too tightly, could be harmful to your health ::)
But don't think we've forgotten either.  A lot of things going on (in development/whatever) means some have to wait while others have their turn, but all will have their turn when we get to them :)

Title: Re: Bards
Post by: Valeria on November 07, 2005, 08:58:02 am
Couldn't help but notice that Bards are available, but locked. I may have been one of the VERY few people who liked bards back in the original, but I am still currious if/when there is a plan for unlocking them. I for one would love to bug check em, but then I'm not really quallified.

Hope some people out there remember little ol' me.

The Song is my Life and my Purpose

Wow!  That brings back memories!  Trinli, I remember you hanging around Market Square singing your songs.  I would love to see you come back and bring your music to the lands again, its been too quiet... ;) 

Maybe you can cut a special deal for a one time bardship while they get worked out...