Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Bugs => Topic started by: dedraelos on June 10, 2008, 08:34:49 am

Title: Items dissapeared.
Post by: dedraelos on June 10, 2008, 08:34:49 am
Died due to bad luck.

Ran to corpse. Got all gears except hi-kane-do boots that went to black market.

Saw myself get all items, some of them 1 of a kind. Saw myself wear them, but I check inventory and equipment and they're gone.

No, I wasn't blind and had detect invis up at the time. Items weren't on ground, *I saw myself wear the items* but they're not in inventory or equipment now.

Title: Re: Items dissapeared.
Post by: dedraelos on June 10, 2008, 08:50:27 am
Well, fixed but...still a bug. Somehow I was wearing 3 rings, 4 things on body, wielding staff, dagger, and holding a potion, 4 things on neck. I removed them all by name, and then suddenly they appeared, but without any stats. I could wear them again, but I had to log out and log back in to get the saves/hp to register.

Title: Re: Items dissapeared.
Post by: Kiri-Jolith on October 11, 2008, 11:20:43 pm
Seems bug with saving profiles on old server. (We had no hard disk space there.)