Title: Incorrect limited item level Post by: Kiri-Jolith on October 08, 2008, 10:06:25 pm Please, feel free to report gear, which you can get, but cannot wear due to new level restrictions.
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: dedraelos on October 08, 2008, 10:30:12 pm didn't see other post, fee free to delete question.
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: ezus on October 09, 2008, 12:54:44 am A thorbardin dwarf is using:
<worn around wrist> a wristband etched with sigils also his axe.. could obtain at 10-12 level any fighterlike. Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: dedraelos on October 09, 2008, 03:27:03 am Somehow I feel that Ezus and one or two others will talk about killing lots of things at lvl 12-20 that most of us wait until hero, and then most times with a group.
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: Genocide on October 09, 2008, 06:35:56 am An oaken runed staff that is designed for druids.
I can obtain it at level 15 as i get my first form, but staff is level 27. ---- Blue crystal staff is level 37, though i have killed dragon at level 31 pretty easy. --- .. this object, a pair of boots woven from green leaves, is clothing, and can be referred to as 'woven green boots'. It is of 32nd level, weighs 5 pounds, and is worth 40 gold. You can wear it on your feet. It cannot be used by those of darkened soul. It is designed to be used by elves. Race: elf You are a neutral good invoker. Level: 33 You wear a pair of boots woven from green leaves on your feet. You are zapped by a pair of boots woven from green leaves and drop it. --------- .. this object, a light blue robe, is armor, and can be referred to as 'robe light blue'. It is of 38th level, weighs 4 pounds, and is worth 250 gold. You can wear it around your body. It glows with a soft light and sheds a magical aura. It can only be used by those of pure soul. It is fireproof and resists corrosion. one can request at level 31 and it's good only -------- I think all good_only stuff shuld be level 31 or lower, as there is no need to fight for them with mobs. ------- .. this object, a peacekeeper signet ring, is armor, and can be referred to as 'ring peacekeeper signet'. It is of 38th level, weighs 0 pounds, and is worth 200 gold. You can wear it on your finger. It glows with a soft light and sheds a magical aura. It can only be used by those of pure soul. ------ .. this object, a Djinn signet ring, is armor, and can be referred to as 'djinn signet ring'. It is of 32nd level, weighs 1 pound, and is worth 10 gold. You can wear it on your finger. It glows with a soft light, hums faintly and sheds a magical aura. ------ Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: dedraelos on October 09, 2008, 08:14:54 am You draw upon the powers granted by your god.
A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that.. .. this object, an icy flanged mace, is a mace, and can be referred to as 'mace flanged ice'. It is of 26th level, weighs 5 pounds, and is worth 35 gold. It sheds a magical aura. Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: Critic on October 09, 2008, 08:24:32 am .. this object, a granite platemail, is armor,
and can be referred to as 'granite platemail plate'. It is of 32nd level, weighs 10 pounds, and is worth 10 gold. You can wear it on your torso. ------ A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that.. .. this object, the Hi-Kane-Do battle gloves, is armor, and can be referred to as 'Hi-Kane-Do battle gloves'. It is of 32nd level, weighs 1 pound, and is worth 131 gold. You can wear it on your hands. ------ .. this object, the Caergoth signet ring, is armor, and can be referred to as 'signet caergoth ring'. It is of 28th level, weighs 1 pound, and is worth 210 gold. You can wear it on your finger. ------ .. this object, a Graven Ikon of Saint Sebastian, is armor, and can be referred to as 'relic ikon'. It is of 31st level, weighs 1 pound, and is worth 90 gold. You can hold it in your hands. ------ .. this object, a stone pendant on a short chain, is armor, <----- this could be obtained at 10th rank and can be referred to as 'pendant stone'. It is of 35th level, weighs 1 pound, and is worth 100 gold. You can wear it around your neck. ------ .. this object, a ring set with two sapphires, is armor, and can be referred to as 'ring two diamonds'. It is of 34th level, weighs 1 pound, and is worth 400 gold. You can wear it on your finger. ------- .. this object, a warped, inverted medallion of Mishakal, is armor, and can be referred to as 'medallion mishakal inverted'. It is of 28th level, weighs 2 pounds, and is worth 185 gold. You can wear it around your neck. Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: Genocide on October 09, 2008, 08:33:33 am Seems it is imposible to wear level 32 things even on level 33
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: unreal on October 09, 2008, 08:47:07 am Actually I think it's not right to fix clothes just because someone posted it here and said that he got it at X rank and item is X+Y level. This is wrong.
Somebody knows about Solace abit more, somebody abit less. And if he got it at 31 - it DOESNT mean I cant get it at 10 (for example for sure). And there's no doubt that even you, Kiri, may not know how to get this item at 10 (for example for sure) level. Coz in my life I heard a lot of questions from UG like: where did you get this item? And this? And how? It's not throwing fingers. You just cant know all what know players just coz you dont play and its normal. And players arent the same. And making holywar from every post about evey item - it's damn stupid. I vote to back up at least this change with clothes. All other changes will be tested too. Another problem: Mastering system of skills. I didnt checked yet all. But just tell me, how can new character to get mastered blocking skills? Except of searching of fat and higher by level and dont hurting much mob and kick him for ages. Coz as I understood there is Number of block_tryings for each blocking skill before it would improve at 1%. I hate my enghlish, hope you understood what I meant. And one more thing: How assassins can get mastered their assassinate skill now? ;D I even cant imagine these poor guys who're trying to master it on higher mobs.. prepare 3+0 hours if i'm not mistaken.. the attempt.. then flee.. and then this mob already remember him and wont give him to prepare.. eveh hide doesnt work while you prepare.. Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: bluesky on October 09, 2008, 09:17:23 am Since it is possible to request item when you are 4 levels lower, all level reductions would be logical to be 4 ranks lower than item level, ie. items is level 27, you can use it on level 23 etc.
Idea: Items could be splitted in groups by their 'power points'. The weakest items like metallic longsword is 1 point and medallion of mishakal for example, 15 points. For example character blabla is level1 and has total power 12 and he cant wear medallion of mishakal but on rank 10 his power is for example 20 and he can wear medallion but he will have only 5 points for the rest of slots. And in 'score' you can see how much is total power of items you are wearing and how much is total power of items you are able to sustain. And when you grow in rank, your pool of item power increases, so you can wear better items when you take levels. That will not prevent somebody who is low rank to use holy avenger for example, but it will make reduction to sacrifice most of other slots because it will have to be empty. This is something between ' nowday total reduction' and 'state before changes'. ps. and instead all 'reduction', should be replaced with 'restriction'... i didnt have enough sleep so my english failed, and now i am too lazy to edit post. Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: Kiri-Jolith on October 09, 2008, 10:13:12 am Please, stay close to the topic in this thread. It is only to report incorrect item levels.
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: Critic on October 09, 2008, 10:16:08 am I would say - not incorrect limited item level, but incorrect MOB level!
Think about it, better raise level of those mobile, who hold shinies. And not only level but mobprogs too. Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: unreal on October 09, 2008, 10:20:31 am I would say - not incorrect limited item level, but incorrect MOB level! +1000000000000000000Think about it, better raise level of those mobile, who hold shinies. And not only level but mobprogs too. Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: K0nunG on October 09, 2008, 10:31:15 am took at 20+ an acid-etched gladius, obsidian-laced copper axe, cant see its level :)
Increasing mobiles in rank and strength is a good idea, but very much work to do Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: dedraelos on October 09, 2008, 06:07:27 pm Kiri, do you want weapons which fighter type (especially whip) can very easily fight and strip weapon?
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: dedraelos on October 09, 2008, 06:55:25 pm A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that..
.. this object, a blue and grey robes, is armor, and can be referred to as 'robes blue grey'. It is of 26th level, weighs 4 pounds, and is worth 48 gold. You can wear it around your body. Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: unreal on October 10, 2008, 12:02:00 pm .. this object, a dagger named 'naga-slayer', is a dagger,
and can be referred to as 'dagger naga-slayer'. It is of 33rd level, .. this object, a sword named 'Troll-slayer', is a sword, and can be referred to as 'slayer sword troll-slayer'. It is of 32nd level, both easily could be obtained at 20 lvl or even earlier. Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: dedraelos on October 10, 2008, 06:20:15 pm You concentrate a moment and pray to your deity.
Your fingers glow with soft blue light as you empower your magic! A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that.. .. this object, a necklace made from blue starfish, is armor, and can be referred to as 'necklace blue starfish'. It is of 30th level, weighs 1 pound, and is worth 20 gold. You can wear it around your neck. Your fingers glow with soft blue light as you empower your magic! A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that.. .. this object, a comb made from finger coral, is armor, and can be referred to as 'comb finger coral'. It is of 30th level, weighs 1 pound, and is worth 20 gold. You can hold it in your hands. It sheds a magical aura. Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: kepasa on October 13, 2008, 08:19:40 pm Please change message from ZAP to something else, as not all classes have identify to find that the problem is rank based, but not aligment one.
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: dedraelos on October 13, 2008, 08:55:57 pm doesn't lore always show alignment issues, lvl, class, and race?
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: deda on October 14, 2008, 01:32:11 am doesn't lore always show alignment issues, lvl, class, and race? meh, you're really naive... when was the last time you played a lore-dependant class? ;) Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: Kolin on October 14, 2008, 05:13:18 am Straight Razor from jack is ranked 34 but able to be grabbed at 20 or lower.
Ivory sceptre can be requested by 20 but not worn till 27 Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: arpade on October 14, 2008, 02:42:20 pm anything that can be requested and not worn would fall into the category, right?
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: kepasa on October 14, 2008, 06:32:54 pm Object 'black bearskin cloak pile fur' is type armor.
Weight is 7, value is 7000, level is 27. can be easily obtained at 15-18 ranks. Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: bluesky on October 14, 2008, 08:27:02 pm You concentrate for a moment and commune with nature.
A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that.. .. this object, some earthen gloves, is armor, and can be referred to as 'earthen gloves dirt'. It is of 27th level, weighs 2 pounds, and is worth 10 gold. You can wear it on your hands. It sheds a magical aura. It is fireproof and resists corrosion. Armor class bonus: 10 vs pierce, 10 vs bash, 10 vs slash, and 5 vs magic. When worn, it modifies damage roll by 2 modifies health by 30 modifies constitution by 2 got it on level 23 same with the rest of earthen set You source energy from the surrounding forest. A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that.. .. this object, a steel capped oaken staff, is a staff, and can be referred to as 'steel capped oak staff'. It is of 30th level, weighs 2 pounds, and is worth 230 gold. It cannot be used by those of darkened soul. It deals 8d6 damage (averaging at 28). Its attacks take the form of a crush. It is designed to be used with two hands and crackles with electricity. When worn, it modifies hit roll by 4 modifies damage roll by 4 got it on level 23 Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: arre on October 15, 2008, 12:43:35 pm scrolls that can be taken with rank 1 char from stove in mage room in Faerie Glen, cannot be read with rank 10 char
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: Genocide on October 15, 2008, 03:51:58 pm I guess you can not use scrolls, staves, wands till lvl 10, but don't know why
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: arre on October 15, 2008, 07:18:20 pm You recite a scroll of identifying.
A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that.. .. this object, a bloody club spiked with goblin teeth, is a mace, and can be referred to as 'club spiked'. It is of 26th level, weighs 9 pounds, and is worth 193 gold. It deals 5d9 damage (averaging at 25). Its attacks take the form of a crush. When worn, it modifies hit roll by -1 modifies damage roll by 6 Got at 19th rank. Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: arre on October 16, 2008, 05:18:23 am A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that..
.. this object, an electric blue-black spear, is a spear, and can be referred to as 'spear blue electric black'. It is of 28th level, weighs 3 pounds, and is worth 140 gold. It hums faintly and sheds a magical aura. The curse upon it won't let you drop it. It cannot be used by those of unbiased soul. It deals 4d11 damage (averaging at 24). Its attacks take the form of a thrust. It drains life from its victims, is designed to be used with two hands and crackles with electricity. When worn, it modifies mana by 25 modifies strength by -1 modifies damage roll by 3 Got at 25th rank Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: lancelot52 on October 16, 2008, 06:36:04 am a blood-encrusted morning star. Got it at rank 18 from noggo the draconian.
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: bluesky on October 16, 2008, 02:38:01 pm leggings from thorbardin dwarven cleric are level 35, got it on 26
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: Kiri-Jolith on October 17, 2008, 03:04:32 pm Please note that this topic is for reporting, not for your ideas and suggestions. If you want to suggest something, start a new topic.
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: arre on October 17, 2008, 05:22:11 pm Troll sword is possible to get but impossible to use at 15th rank
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: arre on October 18, 2008, 07:14:55 am slim jewelled dagger in dump elf can be requested but cannot be used at 15th rank (didnt check another items from elf)
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: dedraelos on October 19, 2008, 04:53:37 pm Object 'Blasphemy two-handed sword' is type weapon.
You can wear it at wield. It is made of none. Weight is 2, value is 12000, level is 30. took at 24th easy. Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: bluesky on October 19, 2008, 06:18:56 pm red quartz ring is 32, got it on 28
leggings from gilthanas are 20, got it on 29('d be upped) Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: arre on October 19, 2008, 06:40:27 pm elven mithril scimitar lvl 21
requestable at 15th lvl Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: arre on October 19, 2008, 08:50:45 pm [log]<478/478hp 398/588mana 226/226mv 118795tnl | ESW> request robe prie
A Marid priestess stops using a blue and grey robes. A Marid priestess smiles and gives a blue and grey robes to you. You stop and contemplate the goodness you have seen in the world. <452/478hp 386/588mana 200/226mv 118795tnl | ESW> wear robe You stop using a red linen robe. You wear a blue and grey robes about your body. You are zapped by a blue and grey robes and drop it. You recite a sweet mystical tune. A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that.. .. this object, a blue and grey robes, is armor, and can be referred to as 'robes blue grey'. It is of 26th level, weighs 4 pounds, and is worth 48 gold. [/log] the rest of items of marid priestess and priest are the same (high rank) Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: lancelot52 on October 20, 2008, 08:45:22 am Object 'axe despair dark' is type weapon.
You can wear it at wield. It is made of steel. Extra flags glow hum evil nodrop. Weight is 21, value is 9000, level is 35. Weapon type is axe. Damage is 7d5 (average 21). Damage noun is cleave. Object 'ring black torturer' is type armor. You can wear it at finger. It is made of onyx. Extra flags hum evil anti-good. Weight is 2, value is 8000, level is 32. Armor class bonus: 5 vs pierce, 5 vs bash, 5 vs slash, and 5 vs magic. modifies damage roll by 2 modifies hit roll by 2 got it at level 25. Took a fighter to flee 4-5 times. spent maybe 10 mins to get. Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: bluesky on October 21, 2008, 01:00:44 am There might be also problem with enchant weapon. It might happen after enchenting weapon will become too high level and zap.
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: Valeria on October 21, 2008, 03:29:28 am an electric blue-black spear is relatively obtainable at rank 25. Used to be rank 20, but now zaps when I try to wield it (rank 25).
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: Matthew on October 21, 2008, 10:40:38 am whops wrong thread :)
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: arre on October 22, 2008, 01:40:29 am items of dragon queen in dragon tower are of lvl 37.
Fist of earth (dying forest) lvl 38. Got it with lvl 26. Djinn Lord stuff is requestable but not wearable with rank 27. Warlock orange tinted boots can not be weared at rank 27. I'd say 90% of valuable items cannot be weared at this rank. Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: unreal on October 22, 2008, 08:48:32 pm a Graven Ikon of Saint Sebastian
got it easily at 25 under other bunch of witches/lieutenants. a strange silver coin - can be obtained by anyone who got invis, but it's 28lvl now. Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: bluesky on October 23, 2008, 04:03:06 am 90% people can not get it on rank 25 under all three witches and lieutenant, so exceptions do not count... ;)
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: lancelot52 on October 23, 2008, 04:39:43 am Object 'thornblade dagger' is type weapon.
You can wear it at wield. It is made of steel. Extra flags none. Weight is 2, value is 2340, level is 29. Weapon type is dagger. Damage is 5d6 (average 17). Damage noun is pierce. modifies hit roll by 4 very easy at level 25 maybe 20-21 level it should be. Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: unreal on October 23, 2008, 08:48:33 am 90% people can not get it on rank 25 under all three witches and lieutenant, so exceptions do not count... ;) but I can. And I dont understand why i cant wear it just because someone cant get it? Thats why I'm thinking that this change with clothes is not adequate and clearly not wise.Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: dedraelos on October 26, 2008, 02:18:06 am Any updates on item levels being looked at?
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: lancelot52 on October 27, 2008, 10:00:00 am bject 'belt buckle steel' is type armor.
You can wear it at waist. It is made of steel. Weight is 5, value is 3400, level is 26. Armor class bonus: 7 vs pierce, 7 vs bash, 7 vs slash, and 7 vs magic. modifies damage roll by 2 can be requested at rank 20-21 not even that great of an item. Also Crusader sword, Swiftbird sword both say level is 30. Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: lancelot52 on October 28, 2008, 08:36:06 am Object 'signet ring new thalos' is type armor.
You can wear it at finger. It is made of electrum. Weight is 3, value is 100, level is 32. Armor class bonus: 5 vs pierce, 5 vs bash, 5 vs slash, and 10 vs magic. modifies damage roll by 1 modifies wisdom by 2 Affects intelligence by 2 Object 'amulet signet new thalos' is type armor. You can wear it at neck. It is made of electrum. Weight is 1, value is 500, level is 32. Armor class bonus: 5 vs pierce, 5 vs bash, 5 vs slash, and 10 vs magic. Object 'sword longsword solamnic fine' is type weapon. You can wear it at wield. It is made of steel. Extra flags hum no_align_change. Weight is 10, value is 9300, level is 29. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 5d7 (average 20). Damage noun is slash. all requestable by or before rank 26 not to mention kinda easy to get....... Object 'black iron longsword sword' is type weapon. You can wear it at wield. It is made of iron. Extra flags anti-good. Weight is 15, value is 700, level is 30. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 4d9 (average 20). Damage noun is stab. Can get it at rank 16-19. dagger naga slayer can get at rank 18-20 by is rank 29, both troll sword, and troll slayer need to be dropped in level as well. Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: MacFie on October 28, 2008, 08:07:26 pm Ok Crusader sword and swiftbird sword can be requested at 22, but can't seem to be used until 30
Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: Genocide on October 28, 2008, 08:39:16 pm Stop spamming already.
I think imms should create some characters and see with their own eyes, maybe on another port. Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: moq on November 03, 2008, 04:10:19 am .. this object, a black iron mace wrapped in rotting flesh, is a mace,
and can be referred to as 'mace flesh rotting'. It is of 27th level, weighs 5 pounds, and is worth 224 gold. obtainable at early 20ish P.S. just curious, has anything been fixed yet? Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: Malyki on November 06, 2008, 04:37:57 am A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that..
.. this object, a hide of a red sea serpent, is armor, and can be referred to as 'hide red sea serpent'. It is of 35th level, weighs 8 pounds, and is worth 30 gold. You can wear it on your torso. A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that.. .. this object, the front claws of a red sea serpent, is armor, and can be referred to as 'front claws red sea serpent'. It is of 35th level, weighs 5 pounds, and is worth 30 gold. You can wear it on your hands. Been gone awhile so trying to figure this change out still... I have to be of the 35th level to wear these items? If so I guess it was good practice obtaining them at 22 ;D Title: Re: Incorrect limited item level Post by: deda on November 06, 2008, 03:35:26 pm i think Kiri mentioned something like 31, not 35