Title: Bloodline Post by: Biopower on November 07, 2008, 04:46:27 pm A cleric guildmaster tells you 'You need to tell me which bloodline you wish to have'
A cleric guildmaster tells you 'You may choose fire, ice, air, earth, acid, divine or negative' What about energy? Title: Re: Bloodline Post by: bluesky on November 07, 2008, 11:15:36 pm Is it question for us or for cleric guildmaster? ;D
In help for this feat there is no acid! And also if you take this feat and master it by taking hits from mob with same damage, it improves in variable speed : once it took 40 hits to improve, second time it was 3 hits. Is it supposed to improve in different way that skills and spells are improving? Title: Re: Bloodline Post by: Biopower on December 14, 2008, 10:13:12 pm So? Lets add Energy to this feat?