Solace MUD Official Forum

General => Logs => Topic started by: taj on November 11, 2008, 03:39:39 am

Title: And buy shopkeepers medical insurance
Post by: taj on November 11, 2008, 03:39:39 am
Yeah old stuff but if there are things going underway, maybe fix this as well.

[log]<541/638hp 343/343mana 32/256mv 274212tnl | EU>
The sun rises in the east.
The sky is getting cloudy.
You writhe in agony from the plague.
You trample around loudly again.
Your sickness mauls you.
A scribe writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin.
A scribe's sickness injures him.
A scribe is DEAD!!
You hear a scribe's death cry.

<522/638hp 343/343mana 34/256mv 274212tnl | EU> put pot sac
You put a silver potion labelled cure disease in an old ranger's sack.

<522/638hp 343/343mana 34/256mv 274212tnl | EU> look
The Quill and Parchment shop
  You are standing in a shop that provides fine parchment to the citizens of
Palanthas. More important are the less mundane magical scrolls that the
shop owner provides to rich adventurer's who frequent the city. Arcanus
lane is to the east, and there is a small staircase leading up to the
backroom of the shop.

[Exits: east up]
     The corpse of a scribe is lying here.
A young boy grins as he bumps into people and apologizes.[/log]