Title: PK survival tips from CF Post by: arre on November 13, 2008, 06:14:39 pm I've found it is useful for Solace:
"There are some tips that may give you a better appreciation of life here. 1. Type 'who pk' and 'where pk' a lot. Keep an eye out for people in your range that you don't know. 2. Don't hang around in crowded places. You are just placing a sign around your neck saying 'PK me'. 3. Keep moving. They can't get you if you aren't there. This is also a good defense against people that summon; they summon and you leave the room. 4. Don't sleep in places where you are likely to be found. 5. Don't stay for a fight that you didn't start; PKing is a matter of preparation. Flee and live to fight some other time. 6. If you are affected by spells (protection, sanctuary, etc) know when they are about to expire and be ready to renew them. 7. Don't flee to obvious places. Many people have died while waiting to enter their guild. 8. Keep a potion/scroll/wand/staff of return handy. You never know when you might be in a pinch. Teleport is also handy in certain situations you will encounter, despite the risks it brings. 9. Keep up a good supply of food and water. Know where you can find a fountain or a food shop that is out of the way. 10. Keep moving. This cannot be said enough. If you are standing around at market square, expect to get dispersed, summoned, robbed, blackjacked and/or killed. 11. Think and plan ahead! 12. Stick with the basic classes until you get familiarized with the mud. Warriors, assassins, outcasts, and thieves offer your best chances of survival at lower levels, and more leeway without having to use alot of knowledge of the mud. It is not recommended you play pure spellcasters unless you are more experienced, since they are typically the easiest to kill, and offer the poorest damage potential until the middle ranks. 13. Don't whine when you get killed. It happens to everybody. If a creature killed you, you have about 5 minutes to try to make a run back to your corpse before your ghost status wears off and you may be attacked again (see DEATH). If you don't know where you died, wait by your pit; If nobody loots your corpse, and with a little luck, your gear will be dumped to the pit in about 15 minutes when your corpse decays. 14. Keep a little cash in the bank. You never know when you will need to buy some food, heal some poison, or get a boat in a pinch. 15. Explore Krynn liberally before you get to 11th level, while you can do so without having to worry about being PK'd, and make good use of the free recall for newbies when doing so. Now is the time to get an idea where aggressive creatures and no-exit pitfalls are lurking. 16. Find a good hiding place you can go to when being pursued. Some- place that cannot be gated to or summoned from is ideal with someplace remote and rarely visited being your best bet. Also learn the out-of-the-way places to gain experience when the odds of being PK'd are great. The Dead Forest and Emerald may be outstanding for gaining levels, but not if you have to keep reequipping every 15 minutes. 17. If something looks vicious when you scan and see it, it probably is. Treat unfamiliar terrain and creatures with respect and note any clues in room descriptions before rushing in to your likely doom." (c) http://www.carrionfields.com/display.html?keywords=TIPS 18. Learn ways to temples if blinded in most visited areas. Always carry pair of herbal potions to cure sudden blindness. Title: Re: PK survival tips from CF Post by: unreal on November 13, 2008, 06:39:36 pm Quote Keep moving. yes, yes and one more time yes! ;)Title: Re: PK survival tips from CF Post by: Kage on November 13, 2008, 07:46:30 pm - 19. Dont pick fights with necromancers above rank 10 after long sabbatical from MUDs :P
Title: Re: PK survival tips from CF Post by: bluesky on November 13, 2008, 08:02:41 pm I agree with everything except
12 - if you are new, some class with identify is must 15- exploring on that level will likely get you killed 100 times by mobs. I would rather suffer hard leveling to make abjurer and explore everything in astral. You wont know anything about mob strength, but at least you will know map. It sounds ok in theory but i never tried in praxis. Title: Re: PK survival tips from CF Post by: Joseth on November 14, 2008, 04:50:09 am Abjurer was nice indeed for exploration. I could get to a remote place in a matter of seconds without having to take out guards or other aggressive mobs. I could take any mob solo with ironskin,sanc,passdoor,flee,astral sleep, repeat.
Title: Re: PK survival tips from CF Post by: omledufromage on December 28, 2009, 12:40:24 am Quote Keep moving. yes, yes and one more time yes! ;)I remember that tracking Lyeine was the hardest ever... The only time I had the opportunity to do that was one time that Kage and Razlen attempted to hunt her. All the other times I was fleeing, hahahaha... |