Title: ... Post by: bluesky on November 15, 2008, 02:27:06 am [log]
<123/403hp 20/20mana 65/100mv 5650tnl | ND> who -=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=- (PK) Geladric the male minotaur, Betrayer of Nature Shinobi the male human, Stableman of the Cobar Sodapidana the female wild elf Players found: 3 <132/403hp 20/20mana 80/100mv 5650tnl | ND> The clamour of bells echo the passing of midnight. <141/403hp 20/20mana 95/100mv 5650tnl | ND> score You are Geladric the Swordpupil Race: minotaur Sex: male Age: 30 years old (young) You are a true neutral fighter. Level: 1, with 0 exp (experience to level: 5650) Str: 13 Health: 141 /403 Practices: 5 Int: 14 Mana : 20 /20 Training sessions: 2 Wis: 13 Move : 95 /100 Dex: 13 Carrying 8/23 items (62/233 pounds) Con: 13 You have 0 gold and 0 silver coins. You have 0 smuggler coins. Wimpy set to 0% hit points. Hometown is Palanthas. You are standing. You are barely protected from piercing. You are barely protected from bashing. You are barely protected from slashing. You are barely protected from magic. You have taken no weapon specializations. You trust your group with questionable spells. Use 'affects' command to see spells affecting you. [/log] it was druid level 35. Title: Re: ... Post by: arre on November 15, 2008, 06:45:16 am Hey, you can take 35 ranks more :)
Title: Re: ... Post by: bluesky on November 15, 2008, 10:12:45 am I thought so, but look at stats :)
Title: Re: ... Post by: arre on November 15, 2008, 11:55:50 am kind of challenge, eh ? 8)
Title: Re: ... Post by: unreal on November 15, 2008, 04:31:53 pm I remember it was once happened some time ago... - that time it was coz of absense of space at hard-disk 8) very similar
Title: Re: ... Post by: deda on November 15, 2008, 10:02:16 pm that's because you're playing fallout 3 like me instead of mudding! ;)
Title: Re: ... (bug fixed) Post by: Habbakuk on December 11, 2008, 05:32:28 pm MORE BUGS!! MORE BUGS!! MORE BUGS!! :o
Bug fixed, hopefully it won't happen again. Geladric and a couple of other characters restored, if anyone else's character was screwed like that - please send us a note. |