Title: something wrong with percentage in 'spell p' output Post by: Lju on February 06, 2009, 02:08:18 am <526/526hp 224/850mana 265/265mv 386168tnl | D> spell p
Level 1: armor 71 % read magic 67 % detect magic 76 % magic missile 90 % ventriloquate 0 % Level 3: faerie fire 69 % Level 4: detect invis 74 % Level 5: icicle 79 % Level 6: create spring 67 % invisibility 68 % Level 7: infravision 0 % alarm 0 % Level 8: brew 90 % lightning bolt 75 % Level 9: earthquake 73 % identify 90 % shield 71 % Level 10: locate object 67 % blink 85 % Level 11: protective shield 68 % frostbolt 90 % Level 12: dispel magic 67 % fireball 90 % fly 73 % teleport 67 % earthmaw 90 % Level 13: wizard watch 67 % Level 14: shatterstone 67 % faerie fog 67 % Level 15: pass door 68 % windwall 81 % Level 16: heat metal 70 % transfer object 87 % Level 17: mana leech 67 % Level 18: fork lightning 90 % Level 20: cancellation 73 % tsunami 77 % cone of cold 81 % Level 21: chain lightning 81 % word of recall 67 % wall of ice 81 % Level 24: interposing hand 68 % magnetise 74 % Level 30: iceshield n/a Spells shown with percentage learned in them. <526/526hp 224/850mana 265/265mv 386168tnl | D> <526/526hp 445/850mana 265/265mv 386168tnl | D> prac shatterstone 75% armor 79% read magic 75% cancellation 82% chain lightning 90% fork lightning 100% create spring 75% detect invis 83% detect magic 85% dispel magic 75% earthquake 82% faerie fire 77% faerie fog 75% fireball 100% mana leech 75% fly 82% heat metal 78% identify 100% infravision 1% invisibility 76% brew 100% lightning bolt 84% locate object 75% magic missile 100% pass door 76% shield 79% teleport 75% ventriloquate 1% word of recall 75% tsunami 86% earthmaw 100% windwall 90% cone of cold 91% protective shield 76% dagger 100% whip 1% spellcraft 100% staff 75% hand to hand 1% parry 100% second attack 100% fast healing 100% haggle 75% meditation 100% trance 100% scrolls 75% staves 100% wands 100% recall 100% alarm 1% transfer object 97% wizard watch 75% frostbolt 100% icicle 88% interposing hand 76% magnetise 83% wall of ice 91% riding 75% mounted spellcasting 75% blink 95% You have 6 practice sessions left. <526/526hp 445/850mana 265/265mv 386168tnl | D> Title: Re: something wrong with percentage in 'spell p' output Post by: moq on February 06, 2009, 12:32:31 pm looks like you were drunk :P
i mean um.. your character! Title: Re: something wrong with percentage in 'spell p' output Post by: deda on February 09, 2009, 08:43:32 pm why ventriloquate 0%????
It's the funniest mage skill! |