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General => Logs => Topic started by: Geryon on October 15, 2009, 03:37:19 pm

Title: Evil fights evil
Post by: Geryon on October 15, 2009, 03:37:19 pm

Title: Re: Evil fights evil
Post by: deda on October 16, 2009, 12:57:08 am
ok, retarded cheating priest of Morgion against yesterday enemies olli and renx supported by ... whatever... Habbakuk, do you have the program that tracks item transferring on? Urukal sure as hell couldn't slay Soth not for a million years will all the minions of Dargaard Keep at his side...

as for the full looting part it is disgusting and infantile, but I admit it, I'd do the same...  :-[

Title: Re: Evil fights evil
Post by: Geryon on October 16, 2009, 07:33:30 am
Morgion priests at midranks are dominating; maybe he just slew some cheater? Though Lord Soth's set should provide so much saves that this scenario is barely possible.

Title: Re: Evil fights evil
Post by: arre on October 17, 2009, 03:51:21 am
As for loot, i have some considerations here.
It depends from your treatment of enemy first of all, then it depends from shinies.

Three main degrees can be marked out, and there are intermims.

1) Respect. Mostly, you respect your enemy, if (s)he died to perform roleplay part *tip some knight*. Or, if you fought (her)him for some time, and found to be wonderful enemy, for instance, alone resisting your group for some time successfully. Or if she(he) didnt loot you before. Or something else.
2) Mob. You killed enemy, you have no special attitude towards (her)him. You take what you need, drop what you do no longer need, tell him(her) where to come. Circulation of shinies in mud.
3) Enemy. Earned your personal hate/irritation. Probably full looted you before *tip some towers*. You do full loot, return nothing.

It was second case with Urukal, nothing personal.