Title: Solace on TopMudSites Post by: Habbakuk on November 12, 2005, 01:06:34 am "Solace is currently at 4 place on Top 100 MUD Sites and needs 3 votes to advance" - we have real chances of getting high on TMS rankings and, thus, getting new players!
Please press on vote button two-three times a day, let it be your contribution to Solace. .. and, sure, please vote now: http://www.topmudsites.com/cgi-bin/topmuds/rankem.cgi?id=Solace Title: Re: Solace on TopMudSites Post by: arpade on February 28, 2006, 05:37:25 am it changes sooo fast its unbeleivable. We had the 9th position a day, i entered two hours later, we were back to the 18th
Title: Re: Solace on TopMudSites Post by: jemma on February 28, 2006, 06:20:13 am Yes, and the message one day said we were not even in the top 100. Then, 10 minutes later we were back near the top. Really wierd voting system or however it works.
Title: Re: Solace on TopMudSites Post by: Sirrion on February 28, 2006, 08:16:07 am They reset all the votes each 15 days, so everything is starting from zero.
Title: Re: Solace on TopMudSites Post by: Bacuha on September 07, 2007, 06:23:54 am BTW, we have wrong forum link on TopMudSites. The old one.