Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Ideas => Topic started by: Maerryji on December 01, 2009, 07:21:21 am

Title: Clan powers
Post by: Maerryji on December 01, 2009, 07:21:21 am
Yet another idea about adding action.

Move the balance between "own" and "acquired" powers: let each clan have couple of empowers/spells/skills by default, and other ones only being available when clan controls respective enemy power (e.g. non-raided Takhi have dragons and lightbane, and acquire phantasmal armor along with Solamnic Code, counterspell/defilement with priests' head, insight with book of law, holocaust with sapling etc.). This may require whole new powers that better suit that idea, but the wars will get much more complicated (in my example, some Takhi may need to get sapling before they can fight with heretics; I can hardly imagine what will be happening between four clans, if each of them has similar considerations) and rewarding.

Title: Re: Clan powers
Post by: unreal on December 01, 2009, 07:31:39 am
intresting indeed, but here should be added ability to take clan_items from altar/cross etc. somehow.. to avoid situation when heretics (for example) raided all cabals and left for a week.. yep you'll raid em but another items will stay there... smthing like that..  :-\

Title: Re: Clan powers
Post by: Maerryji on December 01, 2009, 08:16:55 am
Agreed, but 1) things should not be too simple (you cannot just grab everything out of Heretics' cross), and 2) a member of raided clan should still be able to use the powers of other clans he's raided (same as now, actually).

How about that: after a few consecutive hours (3? 6? 24?) staying raided clan altar loses the power binding items lying within, so they can be simply got from there (with some restrictions)?
So if you're that raided heretic and the time has expired, you have a choice: either reraid before someone steals the power items from your cross, or get them yourself (thus losing the powers) and keep them until you reraid and can give them to Inquisitor again.

Title: Re: Clan powers
Post by: moq on December 01, 2009, 03:16:29 pm
every clan would have to have perma war with everyone else
(or sacrifice some of it's powers for peace)

or you would have to distribute powers among "potential" enemies only,
but then again the whole thing is even harder to balance

Title: Re: Clan powers
Post by: Maerryji on December 01, 2009, 03:48:32 pm
At first I indeed thought to distribute powers among implacable enemies only, but perhaps there's no point.
These are other clan's powers you learned to use for your benefit. (So yes, it would make perfect sense to get better powers from worse enemies, since you have their powers in your hands more often.) You want to rob your possible allies or even friends — go ahead.