Solace MUD Official Forum

General => Newbies Section => Topic started by: Matthew on January 16, 2008, 11:59:37 am

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: Matthew on January 16, 2008, 11:59:37 am
I have a question since i have never played a necromancer, not really about necromancers in general but, why have i never seen a powerful or even successful necromancer in Takhisis.... Does the clan provide powers which aren't useful to necromancers? Or does tower provide powers that are a lot more useful to them?

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: Kage on January 16, 2008, 04:34:28 pm
- gaining exp in other classes doesnt help you with a necro perhaps general gameplay I suppose aids...still should be a  guide attempted.

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: Bacuha on March 15, 2008, 02:54:47 am
Hello, friends!

I remember there was necro spell tree somewhere, but I cant find it.

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: moq on March 15, 2008, 11:54:59 am
it was removed coz someone said that it's a spoiler or something

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: Kage on March 15, 2008, 12:25:19 pm
- then why is there an invoker spell tree?

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: moq on March 15, 2008, 12:33:34 pm
err... coz no one said that it's a spoiler? :-)

but seriously i guess the thing is, an invokation tree is linear, and a necro one is.. complex? dunno how they call it.. i mean, you have to master several spells to gain a new one

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: omledufromage on March 15, 2008, 07:57:42 pm
I think Nierth already explained this.

Its because invoker spell progressions is as follows:
A => B => C

And necromancer's spell progression is:
A + B => C

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: Kage on March 15, 2008, 09:18:27 pm
- OFFTOPIC - if some advanced martial skills worked this way it would be neat  as well.

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: Bacuha on March 15, 2008, 09:38:21 pm
I think Nierth already explained this.

Its because invoker spell progressions is as follows:
A => B => C

And necromancer's spell progression is:
A + B => C

Yeah, that explains a lot. Huge difference indeed.
No offense :)
Seriously, do you really want new players to master all the spells to find out? Do you really think its such a great fun? :) I have never agreed with all that secrecy in Solace. IMHO, it only scares newbies away.

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: gejlord1 on March 15, 2008, 09:58:12 pm
I think Nierth already explained this.

Its because invoker spell progressions is as follows:
A => B => C

And necromancer's spell progression is:
A + B => C

Yeah, that explains a lot. Huge difference indeed.
No offense :)
Seriously, do you really want new players to master all the spells to find out? Do you really think its such a great fun? :) I have never agreed with all that secrecy in Solace. IMHO, it only scares newbies away.

Common people, todays mastering is CAKE comparing it to "old" days.

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: Nierth on March 16, 2008, 02:16:39 pm
Seriously, do you really want new players to master all the spells to find out?

If you are newbie, do not make necromancer.

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: Kiri-Jolith on March 20, 2008, 12:27:31 pm
Well, personally I am not against posting information about necromancers' spell tree. What I would like to say is that it is not so hard to master spells these days. Many percent requirements were lowered considerably.

The difference between necromancers and invokers is that invokers have a random chance to get an insight, while necromancers will have it instantly.

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: xafelar on October 28, 2009, 07:22:43 pm
Question to experienced necro(or imms if they dont mind to answer).

So there is no way to improve mummy levels now? I was trying to make a mummy of mob which higher level than me, with two empower feats and proper moon phase. Yet I got a mummy of my level.

Does this mean spellpower doesnt improve undead minions?

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: bluesky on October 28, 2009, 07:29:35 pm
Yes, i believe that was written in new changes. It is trade-off for area sanc and acid blast.

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: xafelar on October 28, 2009, 08:25:33 pm
Sad story if so.

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: deda on October 29, 2009, 02:33:54 am
necros have area sanc???? overpower!!! :D  ;D

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: Kazuma on December 03, 2009, 02:55:05 pm
If you are newbie, do not make necromancer.
Wahahaha.... what a nice joke.  :-\
It is good to have so many clever people with a decent sence of humor.

But alow me to share some insights from a newbie point.

So you whant to be a necromancer!
First thing you should look for is a friend. Big tough an smelly minotaur friend. Draconians will doo too.
Point is that you are almost completely useless in combat till you get an area spell. So, find evil fighters and outcast knights, beg them to take you along.

While hunting, keep an eye out for a decent eq mana sets. You'll need a lot of it for mastering. Try to obtain sleeping bag or rug, cuz it will make you sleep better. Best place to grow till 15 rank is Kalaman forest, you can do it even alone, but watch for rabbits, some of them are DIRE rabbits that will rip you to shreds.
Allways keep in mind, that you are WEAK, avoid direct combat an mindless exploration. One wrong step and you are dead before you realise it.

When there is no evil fighters about, spend all your time in guild's safety, mastering spells and abilities.
Summon spell comes in handy, no need to look for mobs to practice on. Get them delivered to your door.

When time comes to learn feats...   i wold learn Empower Spell first and Spell Penetration second. Higher level mobs and ppl have good resistances so....  Can't decide on 3 circ feat... Ghoul or Golem lord

As soon as you can raise zombies, make yourself a family. It's sad and cold to be alone, but your own zombies family can comfort you and they do not talk much and do not ask for food.
Use the toughest corpses possible, ask fighters for help, they can make some corpses allright.
NEVER go anywhere without your undead army and golems, exept for growing when you should let em rest in some safe place.

In time you shall learn ghoulflesh spell and cone of acid. Woo hoo! You do not realy need those bulkheads you were traveling with! Now you can grow all by yourself.
Find a locked room or pit, summon 10 to 20 huge bears or other mobs and dissolve them with acid!
Acid tank provides neat expirience in no time.

Try to master all spells to gain new knowlege. Some spells that have long cooldown period can be cast anyway an skill grows.

And again: be cautious! Keep your presence secret till you are ripe and ready to bring DEATH and DECAY.
Know that people HATE you beacause of what you are, they fear you and will stab your back givena slightest chance.

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: zondra on December 03, 2009, 03:31:31 pm
i think newbies need spell tree. i have never played a necro. seems like too much work... :o

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: duncon on December 03, 2009, 03:52:40 pm
I think alot of it could be the fact that necro are suppose to be secret and keep to them selfs.. I don't think any of them would go around spoiling what they have mastered and how? not the way of the black robe mage. hahha

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: Maerryji on December 03, 2009, 04:17:21 pm
Wahahaha.... what a nice joke.  :-\

It wasn't a joke back then. Now everything is quite different indeed, but these new necromancers need at least some balancing (I'd like more interesting changes though, making them hard-to-play but rewarding class again), so I see no sense in writing a guide.

First thing you should look for is a friend.
Okay, not reading yours from here. You obviously don't have a clue. Or writing about some other necromancers.

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: Kazuma on December 03, 2009, 04:55:48 pm
I awe in aura of your unspeakable greatness.  ;D

Must be hard to know everything and tell nothing.

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: Maerryji on December 03, 2009, 05:14:55 pm
Simple and obvious: I played necromancer. He doesn't need a friend.
(Yes, any class would gain some if they had a friend. Even mino fighter. But if every of them does, why bother to mention it in a specific guide?)

I've explained why I don't bother to tell anything: in all likelihood, necromancers will be fixed soon enough.

P.S. Read couple more paragraphs of your guide. Same level of reliability: generally true, but might as well have been written about any other class.
Especially liked the combination of advices to dress for mana and keep in mind that you're WEAK.

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: Kazuma on December 03, 2009, 08:18:31 pm
I see, so it is possible fixes that restrain you from sharing experience.  8)
Gotta be huge then....  something that makes necromancer even more  necromanciiiiiier.

Strange, you have created this tread, yet you put nothing but crap in it.
Go pet your third item-store character, your expertise is just too much for a newbs like myself.

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: zondra on December 03, 2009, 08:49:19 pm
never thought i would see a newbie guide go this direction. does anyone even read these? but the guide was rather weak.

Title: Necromancers, look here
Post by: Maerryji on December 03, 2009, 08:51:10 pm
Strange, you have created this tread, yet you put nothing but crap in it.
When I created the thread, advice for newbies to avoid playing necromancers made perfect sense. If you can argue with that point — I will gladly listen to you. Should be entertaining.

Go pet your third item-store character.
*smiles broadly*
It has nothing to do with newbie guide, so I'll leave it on your conscience.

Title: Re: Necromancers, look here
Post by: unreal on December 04, 2009, 05:27:50 am
Must be hard to know everything and tell nothing.

bwahaha)) nope)) it isnt hard at all... funny sometimes ;)

Title: Re: Necromancers, look here
Post by: Kazuma on December 04, 2009, 02:15:02 pm
Ofcource the guide is weak.
Nobody whants to share knowlege, ony wines and "mastered peope" gloating.

Got anything usefull to add ?  Do so.  Otherwise move along.

Title: Re: Necromancers, look here
Post by: Nierth on December 04, 2009, 02:48:30 pm
Dear Kazuma,

please let me tell you that they are not "mastered people", they really know how to play necro to be deadly.

Any hint for playing a necro to start with you can find in general newbie guide,686.0.html

(and,4893.0.html will be useful as well)

Anything else will come to you during playing only when you have a good background of playing solace with other classes,
you will know how to grow, how to obtain mana items, you will know that mages are weak in low ranks and etc.

So if you would like to create a necromancer you should not be a totally newbie to solace,
and these guids are mostly for those who really have no idea where to rank or where to get clothers at 10 rank (as myself for example).

Thank you very much for your try to explain your experience to others, it's still useful
but stop talking in such manner to those who insist that there could not be any newbie guide.

Title: Re: Necromancers, look here
Post by: unreal on December 04, 2009, 03:10:55 pm
anyway necros should be changed totally before to create any guide for them.. coz now all our exp of plaing necros is useless at all.. necros nowadays are pretty strange. Vote to turn them back. *shrugs*

Title: Re: Necromancers, look here
Post by: arre on December 04, 2009, 04:23:17 pm
i'd give moral support to Kazuma rather then other people in this topic. He's only one who added some constructive here.

'do not play necromancers if you are newbie' - is kinda outdated idea.
there are guides for druids, and for invokers - both are way harder to play then modern necroses. Necroses are dominating at middle ranks, sharing top killer classes with morgi-clerics and outcasts, and it is due to their power. And this power is much less perverted, then it was with old necroses, i.e. there are decent choice of protective spells, good frag, maladiction set, and still useful pets.

It easily can be used by nubs, best choice to learn how to survive against pk the is to become pk-r self, and it is why any guide can be useful.

As for secrets, we have spelltree's of other spellcasting classes, what wrong with necromancers ? Necromancer's even have less hidden knowledge, then invokers have.

The guide is weak, but it is better then nothing. it is only Kazuma who did useful thing in the topic, its why he only who deserves worthy treatment.

re unreal:
.. coz now all YOUR exp of plaing necros is useless at all..

Title: Re: Necromancers, look here
Post by: unreal on December 04, 2009, 04:29:47 pm
perfect guide)))) betta you'd abit less repeat that "only kazuma and me are da best here".. and your post would be shorter indeed.

and as for my exp.. i doubt at all you even imagine what are you talking about :)

Title: Re: Necromancers, look here
Post by: arre on December 04, 2009, 04:38:53 pm
- My interest is simple : to countenance guides means more nubie-friendly environment, more nubs, more meat.

- hrm, but we really the best here !  ;D

- idea to change class back to fit your experience is really great.

Title: Re: Necromancers, look here
Post by: Nierth on December 04, 2009, 05:12:30 pm
I do not mind if anyone makes a guide for necromancers. I would like to have it as well if you can make it good.
Now all we have is a holywar.

Title: Re: Necromancers, look here
Post by: Maerryji on December 04, 2009, 05:14:10 pm
best choice to learn how to survive against pk the is to become pk-r self, and it is why any guide can be useful.
I would not advice to any newb to learn PK with a death machine like the modern necromancer. It's like learning to survive with an abjuration. Neither playing necromancer would teach much about survival.

I was too critical against Kazuma, because I did not notice he admitted he was sharing newb's experience. His methods are far from perfect (necromancer is "WEAK"? Come on, you can kill most people 1 vs 1 as early as 13th rank if you're doing things right), he's not very attentive, but his tips are not bad to begin with. Still, I'd much rather discuss the changes of necromancers than a guide for current ones.