Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Bugs => Topic started by: Kazuma on December 16, 2009, 01:18:29 pm

Title: aimed shot
Post by: Kazuma on December 16, 2009, 01:18:29 pm
<773/773hp 135/501mana 297/297mv 1384469tnl | NESW> arm bolt from q
shoot n ras
You pull a sharpened silver bolt out of a reinforced steel quiver.
You brace your crossbow against your leg and use both hands to pull back the string.
You load a sharpened silver bolt into your crossbow.

<773/773hp 135/501mana 282/297mv 1384469tnl | NESW> You turn northwards, aim at Rasheeka, and pull the
trigger of your bow.
You can't aim at their head because they don't have any.
A sharpened silver bolt hits Rasheeka.

They do not have eyes and other body parts too
as do some giants in obsisdian

and sometimes when you do volley shoot
among ammo sprayed  are some  wooden s%%%