Solace MUD Official Forum

General => Logs => Topic started by: omledufromage on January 17, 2010, 08:46:29 am

Title: A Kagonesti's troubles - A frustrated reraid - Part 1
Post by: omledufromage on January 17, 2010, 08:46:29 am

A frustrated attempt of reraid...

Title: Re: A Kagonesti's troubles - A frustrated reraid - Part 2
Post by: omledufromage on January 17, 2010, 09:19:48 am

Title: Re: A Kagonesti's troubles - A frustrated reraid - Part 1
Post by: arre on January 17, 2010, 09:36:33 am
split the log into two ?

Title: Re: A Kagonesti's troubles - A frustrated reraid - Part 3
Post by: omledufromage on January 17, 2010, 09:40:49 am

Thanks, Arre.  ;)

Title: Re: A Kagonesti's troubles - A frustrated reraid - Part 1
Post by: bluesky on January 17, 2010, 10:00:21 am
brief command...
it would be little more interestinmg if somebody died, but ok
are all bow doing so little damage?

Title: Re: A Kagonesti's troubles - A frustrated reraid - Part 1
Post by: omledufromage on January 17, 2010, 11:37:06 am
I've only tried a few bows, and this is the strongest of them all. Damage actually is more dependant on arrows, I think, and I haven't discovered yet where to find the best arrows. Didn't understand what hitting on the head does... it was supposed to deafen him, but I saw him cast some spells after I hit his head with an arrow.

I don't understand why death would make it more interesting.

Title: Re: A Kagonesti's troubles - A frustrated reraid - Part 1
Post by: Raider on January 17, 2010, 12:00:21 pm
ranged damage is str dependant(like all melee strikes, which is wrong), 34 lvl mino ranger with 60-70dr, 27 ave crossbow does annihilate. 2 rounds lag on draw. Oblitirates with 28 ave bow.

damage mostly depends on ave of weapon and damroll.
20 ave = demo-deva, 28 ave = oblit
Arrows translate into damtype, plus give some dr/precision and other stats, this does not affect damage by a lot.

Deafen gives a chance to fail spellcasting, like 30%, therefore not really worth it.
aim arms -> -7str i think (lvl/5)
aim leg -> fatigue-like effect, every step drains moves. The only useful thing from ranged spec. But the chance to hit properly is really low.

Precision affects critical chance. You need 125+ to see crits.

Quickshot with good crossbow and dr  does deva-oblit, and you perform 2 shots/round.  With +2/3 move regen you can use it sparingly, and in current form its the only thing you should do, after succesful aimed shot in legs. Mastering it takes ages.

Volley is useless.

[23:43] <Raider_> You aim at a lesser troll and pull the trigger of your crossbow.
[23:43] <Raider_> A small silver bolt >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a lesser troll!

[23:47] <Raider_> quickshot arrow from back s chim
[23:47] <Raider_> You hastily load a hand-crafted wooden arrow into a strange energy bow.
[23:47] <Raider_> You turn southwards, aim at Chimara and gently release the string of your bow.
[23:47] <Raider_> Chimara yells, 'Help! Someone has just shot at me!'
[23:47] <Raider_> A hand-crafted wooden arrow hits Chimara.
[23:47] <Raider_> You hear someone's death cry.

Title: Re: A Kagonesti's troubles - A frustrated reraid - Part 1
Post by: omledufromage on January 17, 2010, 12:35:06 pm
My impression was that the text "A hand-crafted wooden arrow hits Chimara." wasn't describing the damage... I've already hit some critical hits, and the text was the same, so I assumed that I couldn't see how much damage I gave... Oh well... that sucks.

Title: Re: A Kagonesti's troubles - A frustrated reraid - Part 1
Post by: Raider on January 17, 2010, 12:41:39 pm
Your impression was right, you cant see the damage you gave, unless you're standing in the same room. ("shoot here troll")

wild-elf with 20 ave and 50dr does mangle at max.

Title: Re: A Kagonesti's troubles - A frustrated reraid - Part 1
Post by: omledufromage on January 17, 2010, 12:44:21 pm
I did demolish against a lesser troll!  ;D

Title: Re: A Kagonesti's troubles - A frustrated reraid - Part 1
Post by: Raider on January 17, 2010, 12:47:17 pm
[13:27] <Raider_> You turn southwards, aim at Aoyame, and pull the trigger of your bow.
[13:27] <Raider_> Aoyame yells, 'Help! Someone has just shot at me!'
[13:27] <Raider_> A hand-crafted wooden bolt soars into the air with sensational accuracy and force.
[13:27] <Raider_> A hand-crafted wooden bolt hits Aoyame.

[13:27] <ezws> With a whizzing sound, a hand-crafted wooden bolt flies in from the north, soaring towards you!
[13:27] <ezws> You yell, 'Help! Someone has just shot at me!'
[13:27] <ezws> A hand-crafted wooden bolt === OBLITERATES === you!
[13:27] <ezws> <522/1111hp 433/689mana 322/322mv 804400tnl | N>
[13:27] <ezws> With a whizzing sound, a hand-crafted wooden bolt flies in from the north, soaring towards you!

This is through protectorate and ~15 resist pierce.

Title: Re: A Kagonesti's troubles - A frustrated reraid - Part 1
Post by: omledufromage on January 17, 2010, 12:49:54 pm
It is possible to have been a critical hit, isn't it? It says critical hits pierce through sanctuary and half-resistances. When someone strikes you with a critical hit, do see "you were hit with great precision" or something?

Title: Re: A Kagonesti's troubles - A frustrated reraid - Part 1
Post by: Raider on January 17, 2010, 12:53:22 pm
No, the target doesnt get any special messages. Only the shooter gets the message.
I havent tested sanctuary/resist piercing.

Title: Re: A Kagonesti's troubles - A frustrated reraid - Part 1
Post by: omledufromage on January 17, 2010, 12:55:10 pm
Keywords: 'Ranged Critical Hits', 'Critical Hits'

   Ranged critical hits do NOT increase attack damage. Ranged critical hits
   allow a player to pierce through sanctuary-like spells (such as sanctuary,
   shroud, ghoul flesh, etc.), and also pierce through half of a victim's
   resistances. However, if a victim is immune (100% resistant) to a
   certain damage type, the ranged attack cannot deal damage, even with a
   successful critical hit.

   Players are only able to have ranged critical hits if they have practiced
   the skill 'accuracy'. Higher precision will increase a player's chance of
   getting a critical hit.

   See also: 'help sanctuary', 'help resistances', 'help precision',
             'help accuracy'

Title: Re: A Kagonesti's troubles - A frustrated reraid - Part 1
Post by: Raider on January 17, 2010, 01:01:57 pm
I dont think that protectorate is included in 'sanctuary-like' list. Unprotected victims get annihilate. Crits are pretty rare anyway, even with 160-170 precision(achieved via bug).

Title: Buff to bow damage
Post by: Kage on January 19, 2010, 04:58:51 pm
- I think bow damage should get bonus when hitting OOC allies.   ::)

Title: Re: Buff to bow damage
Post by: omledufromage on January 19, 2010, 05:03:09 pm
- Or clan rules breakers, for that matter.  ;D