Title: Decaying Plains Post by: Werewolf on November 15, 2005, 02:27:55 pm A small labratory You are in a small labratory consisting of a few shelves and a long desk. The shelves have jars and potions on them. The desk has many things laid out on it, obviously for making some sort of a solution. A large bucket oh blood sits in the northwest corner, with a thin plastic cover over it. Your only exit is back east from where you came. And.. ehmm.. plastic cover? Title: Re: Decaying Plains Post by: jemma on November 15, 2005, 04:37:20 pm A small labratory
You are in a small labratory consisting of a few shelves and a long desk. The shelves have jars and potions on them. The desk has many things laid out on it, obviously for making some sort of a solution. A large bucket oh blood sits in the northwest corner, with a thin plastic cover over it. Your only exit is back east from where you came. Spelling mistake .. should be of and labratory ... laboratory ? Title: Re: Decaying Plains Post by: Werewolf on November 15, 2005, 04:48:21 pm Thank you Jemma, missed this one.
Title: Re: Decaying Plains Post by: jemma on November 16, 2005, 01:05:31 am Thank you Jemma, missed this one. You're welcome. :) Title: Re: Decaying Plains Post by: Habbakuk on January 11, 2006, 01:34:01 am Fixed, coming next reboot.