Title: question about damage Post by: Haston on October 11, 2010, 09:53:51 am how is it possible to hit a museum guard and a higher level mob for the same amount of damage (MANGLE) is damage a flat amount a percentage or a percent of your max damage. or am i completely wrong? not asking for the formula or anything just clarification. any help on clarifying this will be helpful thanks.
Title: Re: question about damage Post by: Kage on October 11, 2010, 07:13:02 pm - Best advice I can give you is watch your "hps" as you take certain amounts of damage "maim" or "MANGLE" etc. Then kinda assign damage ranges to each "word" of damage. help damage will give you order of increasing damage.
- Your damage Im sure improves for various reasons. But I think more often then not the mobs HP's scale up dramatically so hitting a "MANGLE" on a museum guard I think does "about" the same amount of damage as hitting a "MANGLE" on a Dao Lord... it's just that the Dao Lord has a lot more hps. Title: Re: question about damage Post by: Haston on October 11, 2010, 09:54:16 pm ok, so it is a flat amount........ thanks