Title: rescue Post by: arre on November 05, 2010, 03:38:58 pm [log]
<1425/1425hp 546/546mana 398/398mv 2249161tnl | N> Huge bear with shaggy thick coat raises his head to take a look at a visiter. Strong, muscular pads are armed by cruel-looking sharp claws, numerous hems can be seen under coat. His eyes draws your atention - Wisdom of centuries fills it. This is legendary great grizzly bear, who takes a deal in all Warders affairs as an eternal counsellor and guardian. The great grizzly bear is convulsing on the ground. <1425/1425hp 546/546mana 398/398mv 2249161tnl | N> band beaYou apply bandages to the great grizzly bear's battle wounds. The great grizzly bear looks better. [WARDER] The great grizzly bear: Intruder! Hoomg strikes at the Ironwood! The wilderness is threatened! <1425/1425hp 531/546mana 398/398mv 2249161tnl | N> Hoomg delivers a blow of deadly force! Hoomg's rapid restrike MASSACRES the great grizzly bear! <1425/1425hp 531/546mana 398/398mv 2249161tnl | N> rescue bea The great grizzly bear doesn't need your help! <1425/1425hp 531/546mana 398/398mv 2249161tnl | N> Hoomg's poisonous bite MASSACRES the great grizzly bear! [/log] Really doesnt need the help ? Title: Re: rescue Post by: unreal on November 05, 2010, 04:38:02 pm perhaps it should be possible to rescue mobs.. but there should be checking of PK-range.. to not let 35lvl rescue a lesser troll from 10lvl for example..