Title: (Humming) a chainmail of copper dragonscale Post by: Raider on November 16, 2005, 02:49:40 pm from brightblaze in pax
Object 'chainmail copper dragonscale' is type armor, extra flags hum burn_proof. Weight is 4, value is 800, level is 1. You can wear it at torso. Restrict flags none. Armor class is 14 pierce, 14 bash, 14 slash, and 15 vs. magic Affects resist piercing by 3. Affects armor class by -11. Affects hp by 25. Affects resist earth by -5. Affects damage roll by 2. Affects hit roll by 2. Title: Re: (Humming) a chainmail of copper dragonscale Post by: jemma on November 16, 2005, 03:58:13 pm Forgive my ignorance, but ?? ???
Title: Re: (Humming) a chainmail of copper dragonscale Post by: Critic on November 16, 2005, 04:40:49 pm must be 5 svs
Title: Re: (Humming) a chainmail of copper dragonscale Post by: Niano on November 17, 2005, 09:35:46 am Question. Why did we stop giving resists to types of damage such as air and earth and water, and just give saves instead?
Title: Re: (Humming) a chainmail of copper dragonscale Post by: Lord Solinari on November 17, 2005, 07:38:02 pm When the saves system was changed, many items were left on the single set of saves. Since that no longer existed, they defaultedly changed to a few random resistances (hence why they give - resistance, since saves used to be - for good). Items that are supposed to have resistances keep them.
Title: Re: (Humming) a chainmail of copper dragonscale Post by: jAx on November 18, 2005, 01:06:15 pm That makes some sense..but how do you know which items were supposed to give saves and which were not?
Title: Re: (Humming) a chainmail of copper dragonscale Post by: Niano on November 18, 2005, 05:00:39 pm read what he wrote, the items that are supposed to give saves currently give negative resistances if i understand correctly, and that needs to be fixed, hence the -5 resist to earth means it should be giving saves instead of that.
Title: Re: (Humming) a chainmail of copper dragonscale Post by: jAx on November 18, 2005, 08:11:47 pm Roger Roger...
Title: Re: (Humming) a chainmail of copper dragonscale Post by: Habbakuk on January 11, 2006, 01:34:49 am Fixed, coming next reboot.