Title: Manual disappears on death of mob? Post by: Valeria on January 03, 2011, 08:58:30 am I was fighting a zombie carrying a manual of moonstone, and upon its death, the manual was gone? Is this possible? I checked and it was not sacrificed or anything, just plain gone.
Does anyone know about this, or has this ever happened to anyone? Are there spells or empowerments that can make these books disappear? Thanks! Val Title: Re: Manual disappears on death of mob? Post by: arre on January 03, 2011, 06:11:22 pm Had your autoloot on ?
If not, clever thief, assassin, or astralled person could stole it. Title: Re: Manual disappears on death of mob? Post by: Valeria on January 03, 2011, 11:31:15 pm yes autoloot on, and triggers to grab book from corpse or ground. Very odd that I would miss it. Maybe someone Astralled, but unlikely as I was casting area spells. These would hit someone in astral, right?
Title: Re: Manual disappears on death of mob? Post by: K0nunG on January 04, 2011, 11:36:32 am If I am not mistaken, manuals decays after some time. You could be just unlucky. Spellbooks do not.