Title: Unwield Post by: omledufromage on July 08, 2014, 08:34:09 pm Perhaps give a command that let's you unwield whatever you are wielding, even if you are blinded.
It's kind of strange that by being blind, I cannot sheathe my sword, or in the worst case, drop it. Perhaps add lag for unwielding while blinded, to represent the confusion of having to put it away without seeing. (Just to explain, I remember having thought of this way back when they introduced bows and crossbows as ranged weapons... anyone would drop a bow to defend himself better if he couldn't see...) Title: Re: Unwield Post by: Biopower on July 09, 2014, 10:12:45 am Nobody wanted such thing before :) I guess what the situation requires unwield while you are blinded. People prefer to wield being blinded, not unwield. :)
Title: Re: Unwield Post by: omledufromage on July 09, 2014, 10:32:51 am What? I didn't understand your comment, sorry...
You know that if you wield a bow you don't parry or attack while in melee combat, right? Anyone would prefer to unwield that. And it would make sense for MOBs to unwield their bows and fight competently, even after someone kicks dirt in their eyes. Title: Re: Unwield Post by: unreal on July 09, 2014, 04:14:04 pm i got you in 3 seconds ;)
that is cheaty wish that in the end prevents disarming of your yummy weapons while blinded. Title: Re: Unwield Post by: omledufromage on July 09, 2014, 06:08:14 pm ;D
Not really, but that is a good point. At least for when you are wielding a bow or crossbow, then. And I did mention in my first post that in the worst case you should at least be able to drop the wielded weapon while blinded. C'mon, just makes sense. But I'll shut up about it. |