Title: ok game has been up for awhile. time to whine. Post by: zondra on July 09, 2014, 04:41:08 pm So warders protectors of the forest. I think they should be able to see camouflage. In my mind it makes sense. Nature blesses you with a keen eye to detect hidden
dangers. Title: Re: ok game has been up for awhile. time to whine. Post by: omledufromage on July 09, 2014, 06:11:48 pm I disagree... very much...
Title: Re: ok game has been up for awhile. time to whine. Post by: zondra on July 09, 2014, 10:37:28 pm Same as guardian can see hidden to protect city
Title: Re: ok game has been up for awhile. time to whine. Post by: arre on July 10, 2014, 12:19:09 am It sounds reasonable.
Title: Re: ok game has been up for awhile. time to whine. Post by: omledufromage on July 10, 2014, 03:39:34 am No it doesn't.
Just because you are a protector of the forest doesn't mean you are supposed to be master of everything that has to do with forests. If you want to see camouflage, make a ranger or a druid. Fighters are stronger combatents. Rangers are more versatile in the forest. Each class has is specialties, and the idea of the Warder clan should not be to transform a fighter into a ranger (stronger ranger, even)... The ability to camouflage and see camouflage is one that comes with practice. And that has nothing to do with the blessings of nature. Title: Re: ok game has been up for awhile. time to whine. Post by: zondra on July 10, 2014, 04:07:56 am I see your side. Im just saying i dont think a warder should be able to get ambushed in the lands he id in charge of. Laws of nature should be viewed same as cities. I know it.isn't going to happen but its like the hot girl at the party if you never ask you will only lsleep with a bunch of fives
Title: Re: ok game has been up for awhile. time to whine. Post by: arre on July 10, 2014, 10:47:54 pm If you are warder, you are supposed to be able to differ nature from objects of civilization, i.e. camouflaged rangers.
Title: Re: ok game has been up for awhile. time to whine. Post by: unreal on July 11, 2014, 06:22:13 am If you are warder, you are supposed to be able to differ nature from objects of civilization, i.e. camouflaged rangers. i guess camouflaged ranger is not an object of civilization :) |