Solace MUD Official Forum

General => Newbies Section => Topic started by: n00b on September 22, 2014, 12:09:37 pm

Title: Hit/Dam/AC and damage reduction
Post by: n00b on September 22, 2014, 12:09:37 pm
2 Moderators.

I doubt I disovered something secret here. But if I did - delete please. If not - remove moderator's warning from title please :)


Damroll affects how heavily you hit, Hitroll affects how easily you hit.

Hit roll is a versus AC component. It applies to THAC (To Hit Armor Class). There is no certain global formula for all cases. And it is different for all games.
But it works like that.

You roll a hit, first it checks defensive skills of the opponent parryd/dodge and so. Then it checks THAC if your hit-roll is low and enemies AC is high - THAC roll will fail and you will get "misses". AC may or may not affect damage reduction. But it definetly affects THAC. In mid end game everyone have good hitroll and you will need more then god-like AC to make them miss. So it is not wise to invest in high AC after certain level.

But in the begining at low or maybe even low-mid levels high AC can save you from hit. Even if your enemy have huge dam roll and can deliver *** DAMAGE *** to you he will miss because of THAC (but you will hardly find one who have huge dam without nice hit).

Damage reduction is one that works after THAC roll. It reduces damage, obvious.

This is basics of ROM/DIKU/D&D system that maybe was changed in Solace, or maybe not.

Check it, test it, seek new ways of gameplay.