Title: 5 minutes of truth Post by: unreal on October 05, 2014, 03:26:46 pm Allright that was you who was playing Irhinale? - Yes.. but Mrrak was my beloved character ;) Sorry guys if some of you are full of hatred to these two – I just was trying to catch some fun and there was nothing personal. And why did you hide? Many people were asking you directly if it’s your char?? - Moreover I created an account here, on forum.. and funny thing is that it produced some whining too.. I just wanted to play without any restrictions and to fight everyone. You know this so-called underground exist anyway.. though it’s not so terrible how some people may think. Wait a minute – you said you have no time to play, so that wasn’t true? - No, I really have no time and that’s the main reason I won’t play anymore. I just wanted to defeat the one, who was screaming that time that he’s nearly immortal and was boasting like a hell knows who. I regularly heard the rumors that he’s screaming “this is mine and this is too” though I’m pretty sure – yours is only what you hold in your hands at the moment, any other sh*t you must deserve to obtain ;) Is it… Skaw? - Yep, and to be honest I was completely disappointed with this challenge (i thought it will be challenge to me so I call it "challenge" :) ). And when I succeed (from very first attempt) – I was somewhat confused and didn’t know what to do with all this sh*t that falls into my hands. But how it happened? People want to see the whole story of this famous event. - Oh please, that is not a secret: http://solace.i-read-you.ru/forum/logs/lview2.php?log=225 Haha.. great. Though that could not even happen you know? - Sure, actually I even didn’t expected success with this childish trap. But happened what happened and all of you know the result. Okay, and which is the most interesting thing you’ve met in the game? - Definitely it’s the interaction with Anaria ;) that was great fun to talk to her and some kind of confrontation of Great Darkness and Pure Light could be raised from this philosophic beginning in future.. that’s what I was thinking that time, though unfortunately it didn’t happen for some reason. http://solace.i-read-you.ru/forum/logs/lview2.php?log=226 You know? People think your character is silent storer of shinies. - And surely because of it my character(s) should be nearly top of PK statistic.. could someone of Imms post here current positions? As for RP – I never was one of great RP’ers, though I wrote the role and was talking to the people a lot, but I can’t talk to everyone – it’s just too hard for me ;D Allright, now we know what’s interesting for you.. and what was the most disappointing thing? - Actually all the rest. I posted some logs from Irhinale’s account and could post even more – people are swearing every time they meet me in game – it’s unacceptable. Don’t get me wrong, it’s clearly great to see how the game improved comparing to the last pwipe I remember. Immortals team grows and works hard and that’s great too. But the people are the same. Everyone prefers to whine and threaten to leave in case they die instead of fighting and enjoying the game. There are some new guys – and I really enjoyed to watch how they grow and explore the world. But old whiners have reached unbelievable level of whining (i suppose it’s near 80). Anything else? - Yeah, I just want to tell everyone - respect the rules and don’t be afraid to lose your shinies – that will bring lots of fun in your game-life, because the real fun is in action but not in the monitoring of current timer to fool limwatching daemon. I said respect the rules – you won’t believe, but playing without breaking of them adds some fun too – I’ve tried both and I know what I’m talking about. Thank you. Title: Re: 5 minutes of truth Post by: zondra on October 05, 2014, 04:26:51 pm For some reason thought it was you
Title: Re: 5 minutes of truth Post by: Matthew on October 05, 2014, 06:35:02 pm Can i have my 5 minutes back please
Title: Re: 5 minutes of truth Post by: Proph on October 05, 2014, 06:38:37 pm Hahahahah,
And you denied it when I confronted you, even lashed out at me. I had been saying it was you all long :D Of course I knew Mrrak was you as well. Wasn't hard to figure out. Thanks for posting the log of the trap. I thought it was brilliant, even if it has been used before. Well done to you sir. Although it's a shame you needed OOC help to gain someone's entire EQ set and instantly become a death machine. Would have been nice to see you grow and rise in power instead of 0-100 in one move. Also wish you had just deleted with your stuff instead of giving all of it away to one person (though I understand why you did it). Those things will never circulate and it's a shame for other players to never see the most interesting relics in the game. I also really enjoyed that conversation you had with me and Anaria. People would be surprised how interesting it is talking with you if they would react calmly and acknowledge their own mistakes instead of "WTF A**HOLE!! WHY'D YOU KILL ME???" I always respect you as a player, even when you are hated by all (such as Lyeine). Take care. Title: Re: 5 minutes of truth Post by: Hiddukel on October 05, 2014, 08:06:48 pm That bastard Unreal :) Kicking my ass without mercy since 2000 :P
Title: Re: 5 minutes of truth Post by: bluesky on October 05, 2014, 08:29:43 pm If i may, i would guess that somebody is preparing a char for restoration of empty Takhiclan.
But, i may not :P Title: Re: 5 minutes of truth Post by: zondra on October 05, 2014, 08:34:16 pm He didnt give away, it either vaped it saced it, i say zakh and the knights running around collecting all of it, chromo i have no idea who got it
Title: Re: 5 minutes of truth Post by: Quino on October 05, 2014, 08:47:01 pm Hiddy, but would you mind revealing the PK stats of all parties involved, please? (at least unreal's!)
Title: Re: 5 minutes of truth Post by: zondra on October 05, 2014, 09:10:10 pm At least he never got liz lol, small win i didn't die
Title: Re: 5 minutes of truth Post by: novann on October 05, 2014, 10:02:56 pm Yeah, I intereact with Irhinale, when she closed my assassin heretic at Tower HQ by the wall. But I strangled her 2 times, and died of poison under wall. *flex* *shrug*.
Good job, Unreal. Wait for some more characters. Title: Re: 5 minutes of truth Post by: Proph on October 05, 2014, 11:18:12 pm He didnt give away, it either vaped it saced it, i say zakh and the knights running around collecting all of it, chromo i have no idea who got it You sound pretty sure about that. He did give it away and I know exactly who got it (because it happened right in front of me).Not for me to say though. People will find out soon enough I'm sure. Title: Re: 5 minutes of truth Post by: zondra on October 05, 2014, 11:33:05 pm Oo i just saw zakh getting the healing bracers off'mob
Title: Re: 5 minutes of truth Post by: Proph on October 05, 2014, 11:43:24 pm Well that's good. At least things will cycle a little bit.
Title: Re: 5 minutes of truth Post by: zondra on October 06, 2014, 12:22:47 am chromo robes and shields are main items...no idea about them
Title: Re: 5 minutes of truth Post by: omledufromage on October 06, 2014, 12:40:19 am Thanks for the ingame tips with Mrrak, unreal. Was fun playin' with you (and yes, I suspected they were you - and confirmation practically came when Nierth said that Anza was nothing in PK when compared to Irhinale). Mrrak was a nasty dude. Irhinale too... but Mrrak made more of a lasting impression on me, at least, since I interacted with him more.
And you looted my "bottle of whine" before I figured out what it did! ;D Title: Re: 5 minutes of truth Post by: Critic on October 07, 2014, 08:53:04 am Poor, poor Unreal.
It seems EVERYONE wants to know what's happened ^))) ×å æ òàê ïðîðâàëî-òî âäðóã? :) Title: Re: 5 minutes of truth Post by: n00b on October 07, 2014, 01:53:51 pm It seems EVERYONE wants to know what's happened ^))) It's unreal Title: Re: 5 minutes of truth Post by: Matthew on October 07, 2014, 06:02:34 pm I still don't have my 5 minutes back
Title: Re: 5 minutes of truth Post by: zondra on October 07, 2014, 06:05:45 pm I still don't have my 5 minutes back Not a fan im guessing Title: Re: 5 minutes of truth Post by: shadyn on October 08, 2014, 02:01:31 am big deal vens???? hahahahaha ;D