Solace MUD Official Forum

General => Logs => Topic started by: n00b on October 22, 2014, 03:11:27 pm

Title: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: n00b on October 22, 2014, 03:11:27 pm

Sirrion, Hiddukel, Reorx and others - you did a great job. Code is fine. Areas is fine. Few small bugs and typos does not affect quality of the game.
But MUD without strict RP and understanding of RP basics is really boring. If I want meat I can play TF, Quake or Battlefield.

Just enetered to taunt Beorn fans with a thief chaotic kender. Meet undescribed mage who wanted to group. Told him that I will not group with "noone" turned log too late, sorry. But here is an example of worst RP i ever saw. When you IC (in char) you do not know that you must have "description", you do not kno that it is a game. You never tell your group that "berserk za***l" sorry for rude russian it is a quote. You will never tell the group "Russians gop gop". And you do not know that it is "just a game with a words". You will not tell your group "AFK will go smoke on balcony". So in this log is a very bad RP dialogue. The problen is, that for Solace it is a standart. And thus ruins 75% of the game.

Immortals - thank you again, you did great job.
Players. You like game about kill-and-loot. It is your choice.

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: zondra on October 22, 2014, 03:27:24 pm
Dont judge us all :(

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: Hiddukel on October 22, 2014, 03:46:57 pm
I don't see the problem here, am I being nuts? I'm amazed that you had long talk anyway below rank 10, most don't begin to speak till about 15th :)

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: Proph on October 22, 2014, 03:50:46 pm
I don't see the problem here, am I being nuts?
This is part of the problem.

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: Hiddukel on October 22, 2014, 04:06:59 pm
No really, is it just the last bit about descriptions?

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: zondra on October 22, 2014, 04:09:12 pm
They won't the iron fist prince

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: Hiddukel on October 22, 2014, 04:10:37 pm
Because actually letting yourself get killed, ordering to take items etc as a ghost, IMHO is far more breaking of RP/immersion than any crappy says about making a description.

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: Hiddukel on October 22, 2014, 04:14:26 pm
Also, is this evil mage who is threatening to kill you etc? So what? Nothing wrong with that and his tells are absolutely fine.

I honestly don't get it, I don't understand, and I don't get your passive aggressive comment Proph.

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: zondra on October 22, 2014, 04:22:01 pm
People want immortal to strictly enforce rp but woulf bitch if it hurt them,  hell i saw pure blood elf holding dagger covered with elven blood, he would bitch but should be stripped ,

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: novann on October 22, 2014, 04:24:16 pm
Mage was mine, Noob. Tired of being alone at takhs, so decided to create my favourite alteration. But I hardly got 2 nd rank  :P
You was cewl and made be adrenaline rushing and smile. But you nerve me with the thing that I dont have descr at 1 rank! And you have few words at yours.

Anyway, if you searching 'atmosphere' - play your grafical games.

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: Proph on October 22, 2014, 04:25:24 pm
I just don't understand how you don't see people talking about "descriptions" and "game with text" IC as a problem.

However, I don't think it's a reason to leave a MUD. There are plenty of horrible RP'ers and and PK nuts out there who don't care about the fantasy experience, but I think overall it's a pretty rich and vibrant MUD with a very compelling atmosphere. Interesting things happen every day, there's always something worth exploring or talking about.

Sorry Hiddy, didn't mean to insult you. I was just surprised that you didn't show any empathy at all for n00b's disgust.

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: Hiddukel on October 22, 2014, 04:30:43 pm
To me it just looks like a storm in a teacup, that's all. I see lot's of people around rank 6/7 telling each other "Better make your desc", I wouldn't dream of interfering usually.

I thought from title of log this guy had really abused someone with ugly OOC tells, swears etc :)

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: novann on October 22, 2014, 04:34:00 pm
I am not a great Rper. cause I dont know (forgot) english language.
But there are many Rpeers - liek Koelsoh, who can reply 100 words on few words of yours.
I dont understand - what do you need? 'diving' effect?
Seems the muds are cooler then grafical games because your imagination can write you the fantastical pictures that never can be pain up but game designers.

Tell me the ideal MUD properties please.

And not this episode killed you. Broing killed you. I told you to go to Takhisis and kill all guardians.
I bored with heretic too - cause all people are enemies.
I now trying to be bastard who have enemies and friends, cause I like multi-playing - speaking and exploring with the other characters, but not a char to mob intersection.

(sorry for my english, may be something is not so correct and I am hardly to understand)

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: omledufromage on October 22, 2014, 04:40:40 pm
People are taking things way to personally.

And there are much worse examples of RP around there...
especially when considering who provides them. Higher ranked people.
Members of shrine, members of clans, etc...  

I wouldn't be such a pain in the ass to have Imms police descs of rank 5 or less.
I usually never have an RP or desc very consistently thought up until much beyond that. Even when I am worried about RP.

PS: RP has nothing to do with amount of words you can reply. That usually is evidence of poorly thought RP. So, Novann, don't feel bad if you dont reply many words. As long the words you profer *feel* like they are whole with your character, that is what matters. Also, RP is also about action, not only words. I can't forget the excellent RP demonstration shown by a player whose character was mute.  ;)

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: Hiddukel on October 22, 2014, 04:49:27 pm
Well said Omledffrma??mage

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: omledufromage on October 22, 2014, 04:53:12 pm

Just stylized the writting.   ;D

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: zondra on October 22, 2014, 05:07:54 pm
I loved dextor growing up

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: n00b on October 22, 2014, 05:22:55 pm
Mage was mine, Noob. Tired of being alone at takhs, so decided to create my favourite alteration. But I hardly got 2 nd rank  :P
You was cewl and made be adrenaline rushing and smile. But you nerve me with the thing that I dont have descr at 1 rank! And you have few words at yours.

Anyway, if you searching 'atmosphere' - play your grafical games.

No problem if you have no description below 5 rank. Anyway noone's delegated a 2nd level kender thief to lecture you about your description. Who the hell this kender is?
The problem is in your interaction after. Kender came and told you that he will not group with someone "nothing special" it is just a kind of reaction. But you started to argue about it. And in this arguing you step over RP line. And the worst - you made it easy.

As I wrote before, many days before, in MUD I have my own priorities. And RP is at first place.
For me, personal, is more interesting to play draco outcast who is trying to remove ancestor's curse and become good. He will group with neutrals. He will never kill good mobs. And he will try to join Solamnia. He will con die at 20 level, I believe. Or, if he is lucky, at 25.
This is much more interesting for me then to hero-up and lead the PK rating, wearing Hi-End Limited Gear.

But to play this kind of game I need support. Not Immortal's support. I do not care if Unseen will come and change draco's align to good and induct to Solamnia. This will never happen. I need mortal player's support. A Knight of the Rose who will talk with this draco, explaining while he will keep hunting him. He does not believe. A cleric of Mishakal, who will believe these draco etc.

Most players of Solace does not interested in this kind of game. It is their choice. I do not blame anyone. And I heard that you very good in world's knowledge, in PK..
I can not force anyone to play my style. And I will not try.

But if in small, comfortable, ORPG most people play not my style - I will depart. MUD where rank-gear-PKill-gear have higher priority then RP - just not my kind. Not bad. Not my kind. Fill the difference.

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: n00b on October 22, 2014, 05:28:21 pm
To me it just looks like a storm in a teacup, that's all.

It is a storm in a tea-spon, actually :)

For you and for other players. And i understand it.
As I said my priorities in MUD differs from yours and most othe Solace players.

And what is a storm in tea-spoon for you - is a poison in tea-spoon for me.

Maybe I used wrong words and intonations. No anger. No insults.
Only respect to Imms and I wish luck to other players. It is my point of view and this point of view does not fits Solace.
Solace is well balanced, stable MUD.

But there is no strict RP. Enforced by code, Imms and other players. Not my brand. Still this is not about quality of MUD. Solace is a good one.

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: zondra on October 22, 2014, 05:33:03 pm
Have you asked a knight to talk?

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: Sirri on October 22, 2014, 06:12:30 pm
I'm a bit pissed off too, 99% of all interactions in game are about items. Even when you guys try to RP, it's all around items items items items. Two young druids (both decent players in the past) meet and the first phrase is - "wow you have Arkham signet ring". Kender mage meets Tower master, first phrase - "oh do you have any good staff for me". Guardians clantalk consists of "Andrew has antique sword go get it" crap entirely. Solamnia, Warders, oh don't even get me started.
Almost every character's lifecycle is basically steamroll to hero, get the best set of equipment you ever had, store it for a couple of weeks, rem all drop all (so mates can store it) delete. If you are lucky, you die once in PK and delete earlier.
I really feel for RP imms, it's impossible to commit time to RP with this garbage.

But you as an ex-immortal should understand, if the entire playerbase (except 1-2-3 players) doesn't want to RP, there can be no "enforcement". They are not zombies anymore.

As a sidenote, if you encounter zero-RP stuff that irritates you like profanity or whatever, REPORT it in game. Noone is snooping / going to snoop you 24/7. Let's try to make better atmosphere together.

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: zondra on October 22, 2014, 06:27:11 pm
I dunno'about all of them,  and i met one warder khur who was nice rper, but we all have some'kender blood i guess, who is ex immortal?

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: n00b on October 22, 2014, 07:37:21 pm
Have you asked a knight to talk?

Knights of Solamnia raid Heretics when no evil heretic online. They fight neutrals heretics during this raids.
Guardians raids clans without a criminal in that clan.

You want me to roll draconian and talk with knight about "I'm cursed but I want to live like a good man"? With knight who kills neutrals without a reason?

Nah! Waste of time

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: zondra on October 22, 2014, 07:43:49 pm
I disagree

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: andrey on October 22, 2014, 08:28:51 pm
Noob, again Beorn? Taunting... Why you love Beorn so much? If you need RP go and Rp with me! ;)
Sirri, u r to strict. Eq is important part of mud and Beorn is acting accordingly to his roles.  ;D

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: n00b on October 22, 2014, 08:45:16 pm
Noob, again Beorn? Taunting... Why you love Beorn so much? If you need RP go and Rp with me! ;)

As I said before. Beorn was the best clan leader in Solace. Createing Peorn kender thief with description similar to Beorn's was... kinda tribute to Beorn's leadership in Guardians.
I can argue about your RP as Knight. I can argue about your clan politics. Again. I see no reason for Guardians to raid ANY clan if that clan does not protects criminals.

But as a clan leader you the best. I wish to see you as a leader of Cobar. You can raise from ashes even that lost clan.

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: Proph on October 22, 2014, 11:30:13 pm

What do you expect? Without decent saves you get destroyed in some areas. Certain classes are incredibly eq-dependent, and  some classes absolutely need autocast equipment to avoid dull, hour long battles. Ideally, you'd have a nice group to support, but with this size player base it's not always an option.

Why wouldn't you want to increase in power and  expand your ability to visit more dangerous and fascinating areas of Krynn? Discovering artifacts  and exploring new areas is fascinating to me.

My interaction with tower Mage was actually a trade (which I told you at least ten times), and that simple transaction actually helped spark much more interesting conversation.

Sorry but your soap-boxing seems totally unnecessary.

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: Proph on October 22, 2014, 11:32:53 pm
Sorry, double post.

On my phone

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: n00b on October 23, 2014, 01:11:37 am
I'm a bit pissed off too, 99% of all interactions in game are about items.

I must mention now two facts. They deffinetly true. I'm dare to say True with a big "T".

I'm nervous and drunk because I have very important event nextday and can not sleep.
You fuken awesome, Sirrion, you do damned amount of job. I coded part of Solace codebase. And I know what a hell is inside.

But. I think you and other imms are moving in wrong direction.

It is easy to enforce RP. Many options. Many. Add a fourth edge for good RP.
Remove some OP skills from manuals and grant them for good RP.

2nd but most important.
PK fights in Solace is EQ based. I read logs. I had fights. You can be skilled player. You can master your skills. You can know areas. But all goes forward to eq and raw damage.
Add tactics. Skilled player equiped in mid-level eq should have ability to kill moron in hi-end equipment.
How you can do that? I do not know. It is highway, long, dusty road.
Change skill system for classes.
I vote for a long, tactical fights. Players should learn enitre world and their abilities.

Clan system in Solace is fine.
RP inside it - ... what am I talking about? There is no RP about clans.
I Heretic. I hate mages. I go raid... Warders. Why? Because.

Good solutions are
1. Prise for good role, for good roleplay, for good PKills.(Three high equiped chars against one almost naked is not a good PKill)
2. Remove some uber skills/spells from manuals and give them for good RP.
3. Allow russian or Caskanje, or another language in group and in tells (not in public channels) if all sides understand it.
4. Transfer to my card 1 milliom euro (it is optional)
5. Add graveyard. Like in CF. I can send you links. With PK stat, IMM comments, etc.
6. Taking few ideas from CF is not bad. But you should remmember Solace is not CF. It is much better in some points. And much worse in other points. It is different.
7. Fix. Damned. Ranged weapon spec. If you can not fix it then delete it.
8.  Do not even try to delete ranged weapon spec. It is a small diamond that turns ring of Solace into original jewelery.

And as I said before. All help that I can give as ex-coder of Solace you will recieve.

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: n00b on October 23, 2014, 01:19:57 am
Sirri, What do you expect? Without decent saves you get destroyed in some areas.

Proph. You are not a bad player. But I think that you do not understand the system.

There is a low leve places, mid level places, high level places and "do not enter if you alone" places.

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: Proph on October 23, 2014, 02:20:57 am
Sirri, What do you expect? Without decent saves you get destroyed in some areas.

Proph. You are not a bad player. But I think that you do not understand the system.

There is a low leve places, mid level places, high level places and "do not enter if you alone" places.
Wait, let me get this straight. Are you actually saying that at different ranks I should visit different areas, and some areas I should always travel with a group?

Tell me more, Professor Solace. I want to learn.

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: n00b on October 23, 2014, 07:57:35 am
I want to learn.

No, you don't.

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: novann on October 23, 2014, 08:48:10 am
I am not good Rper
1. Cause dont know language well.
2. Dont want to live another life fully, I have nice real life.

First thing stopping much of non-english speaking players from RP simply. (You wont go to every time you want to talk).

So, I love good Rpers, and never attack them without a reason (someone like Koelsoh for example).
For me is the best things is interaction with players (clan-deeds, exploring, pk-strategy). At last everyone want to get the fun from a game. Its just a game! Its not a second life and so on.

So gear is one nice element that makes your life not so boring, saves your time.

So the motivation is to kill that or this bastard, you must get nasty things for it, you must find group to get things and so on.

But if you want to RP - I understand it. Its cool. I will try to RP with you. I wont ever attack you fist, cause you make that game true RP.
But let me get fun with the items and group exploring. I have fun with it.

About clan and group tells with hr dr - its always badly touches me - but what I can do. If I am at clan, I cant ooc - so I understand this guy with "hr, dr", but trying to say like "damage, protection" from myself.

And its fine for me. If you see RPer - try to RP. If you see powerseeker - try to kill him. Thats is fun. Its ok.

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: n00b on October 23, 2014, 09:17:22 am
But if you want to RP - I understand it. Its cool. I will try to RP with you. I wont ever attack you fist, cause you make that game true RP.
But let me get fun with the items and group exploring. I have fun with it.

About clan and group tells with hr dr - its always badly touches me - but what I can do. If I am at clan, I cant ooc - so I understand this guy with "hr, dr", but trying to say like "damage, protection" from myself.

I will not play kender thief with name Peorn and Beorn's description :)

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: Biopower on October 23, 2014, 09:58:14 am
My opinion:

1. I do not know how others feel themself. But when somebody cool starts to say VERY RP phrases like:  I will show you many secrets of usual things. I hear voices in my mind. What do you think about honour?  etc..., my brains start to explode and i think only about one thing: shut up, insane!!!  Really. I do not have enough power to follow this bullsh*t everytime. Really. Sorry. Maybe in previous times yes... but now. I have several minutes only to play each time. And if i start to waste this time for bla bla bla... its better to not play. So i doubt you will find here many players of you start to enforce bla bla bla...

2. I do not agree with "eq decides everything"!!! It's loser's thinking! Two players with almast NO eq will almast always overdamage one christmas tree. Here the tactic starts: How to Find, How to overdamage, How to HOLD. And try to imagine the pain of just looted christmas tree... It's enough reason to slay it!!!

3. The most painfull poor RP goes from OOC interactions in real life. I disagree with skills for RP providing - it is insane thing for all.  But several other things maybe could help:  Limit possibility to group each time with the same characters. Reveal permagroups and forbid them to join one clan. Forbid to enter game by clanned people all together in one minute. Forbid charcters to group together right after their entering the game.


Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: n00b on October 23, 2014, 10:13:17 am

2. I do not agree with "eq decides everything"!!! It's loser's thinking! Two players with almast NO eq will almast always overdamage one christmas tree. Here the tactic starts: How to Find, How to overdamage, How to HOLD. And try to imagine the pain of just looted christmas tree... It's enough reason to slay it!!!

And ten naked player will kill hin even more easily.

PS: "Christmas tree" as a sleng - drunk man that fell into snow.

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: Genocide on October 23, 2014, 12:09:29 pm
3. The most painfull poor RP goes from OOC interactions in real life. I disagree with skills for RP providing - it is insane thing for all.  But several other things maybe could help:  Limit possibility to group each time with the same characters. Reveal permagroups and forbid them to join one clan. Forbid to enter game by clanned people all together in one minute. Forbid charcters to group together right after their entering the game.
Yeah, OOC is the worst friend of RP... but that was too cruel.

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: dehucka on October 23, 2014, 04:18:24 pm
to make it all more dragonlance like we need remove some restrictions which was in previous life of Solace, but all remember and love old times, when there was more dinamic, when i remember solamnia unite with warders to protect from icculus for example, or such

we have not so many people - so, time to unite clans at least in group and strategy of all clans.

when we have lesser then 2 active players in clans for long period of time - some times there 5-6 in clans - but not stable, mostly 1-2

so - need easy and interesting thing that will make our game more DRAGONLANCE LIKE, more dinamic, more and more not EQ dependant. what is it?

Dragon Lance World War... all divide to two parts and start greate war:

Solamnia - lead one part
Takhisis lead second part
tower go solamnia
herecy as more cruel go takhisis (in RP takhisis overhelmed lord fordus and enslaved em all to her army)
guardians go solamnia
cobar go takhisis
warders as neutrals who have nt opponent - be a robin goods, kill all who they meet in forest - protect forests from ANY interferance, but for support their clan cant be raided - because they are alone neutrals

it s simply, interesting, it s greate, and it s battles 10 vs 10 or at least 5 vs 5 with all different clan skills, just allowing group, and make announse - greate war of the lance begun.

you will see - it will be really more interesting then cristmass tree creating and bitching for pk for rp for some sh*t items etc.

remember Dragonlance, and stop bitching  - stand up and fight

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: Matthew on October 23, 2014, 04:26:52 pm
I feel less intelligent by having read this log of a kender, acting nothing like a kender, complaining about the lack of a description on a character under level 5...

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: bluesky on October 23, 2014, 04:40:09 pm
forum sh*t  : D
don' t read forum
don't post forum
play game
stay calm

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: duncon on October 23, 2014, 06:07:51 pm
Not a bad idea, to make the world a bit more interactive. I do remember there was talk along ago, when i was Mishakal with Chemosh/Delmar/Morgion. To make the world change based on Control for Example. If takhisis maintain Solamnia Power for period of time Palanthas now ruled by evil Draconian guards vs. Regular guards. Things like this to make the world have to change. Clan halls having to move due to destruction

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: Kage on October 23, 2014, 10:33:00 pm
forum sh*t  : D
don' t read forum
don't post forum
 play game
stay calm

- Come on man,  Forum is the main game.... Ive grinded to a "Level 50 Wordsmith" No OOC forum grouping either...opnerf!?!

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: unreal on October 24, 2014, 04:21:44 am
all divide to two parts and start greate war... while i'm going to find new online translator.

dehucka.. is it even true we all should read your nick as DEHUCKA and it's your real name??? are you f*cking kidding me? my brains exploded when i got understanding of this..

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: Nierth on October 24, 2014, 08:52:53 am
I feel less intelligent by having read this log of a kender, acting nothing like a kender, complaining about the lack of a description on a character under level 5...

Same feelings;-) the log is about nothing. Peorn told about "corpse.things.liar" ten times. And when half-elf refused to do so he was suddenly called stupid. Kender is kinda killjoy actually.

In real life I don't like such annoying behavior, crap.

I think the main problem is lack of time. You want to play, but you are very limited so you are trying to make the things faster, prioritize everything, leaving no time for chats at all.

Argonar, RP is not about only talks but you need some still time to show your character, your actions. And there is no time for that, people want to grow up, master, explore and find gears and then PK. And some talks before or after PK as a prelude.

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: omledufromage on October 24, 2014, 09:55:52 am
Arpade, (...)

Wrong name here, Nierth? Arpade didn't post anything in this thread.

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: Nierth on October 24, 2014, 01:33:22 pm
Arpade, (...)

Wrong name here, Nierth? Arpade didn't post anything in this thread.

sorry, Argonar, was reading from phone and also not used to your new nick  :-\

Title: Re: I guess I will depart too...
Post by: zondra on October 24, 2014, 02:10:40 pm
Iv been seeing rp getting better i think