Title: First Pk Log: Arzaath vs Zuggroth Post by: phinespec on November 05, 2014, 09:55:39 pm http://solace.i-read-you.ru/forum/logs/lview2.php?log=255 Title: Re: First Pk Log: Arzaath vs Zuggroth Post by: zondra on November 05, 2014, 10:16:09 pm Love it, he should have everything saced every time
Title: Re: First Pk Log: Arzaath vs Zuggroth Post by: Proph on November 05, 2014, 11:30:16 pm Awesome! Best log I've read in a long time and not just because I really, really hate zuggroth.
Super interesting back-and-forth battles with many tense moments. Title: Re: First Pk Log: Arzaath vs Zuggroth Post by: phinespec on November 05, 2014, 11:48:16 pm Zondra absolutely. It's the only way to slow this guy down.
Proph, thanks. It was a super intense battle. One I had been preparing for since he constantly hunts Arzaath. And for the record, sharoth is a much better player than I am. Luck just swung my way a bit this time. And I played it ok ;) Title: Re: First Pk Log: Arzaath vs Zuggroth Post by: omledufromage on November 06, 2014, 02:25:46 am Very nice indeed!
Congratz :) Title: Re: First Pk Log: Arzaath vs Zuggroth Post by: phinespec on November 06, 2014, 02:53:22 am Thanks man :) I heard he's kind of flown off the handle since and got pk'd by a couple lowly mages twice while trying to "raid" tower consecutively. He quit out after that. Hopefully for good. :o
Title: Re: First Pk Log: Arzaath vs Zuggroth Post by: zondra on November 06, 2014, 03:05:25 am And for the record, sharoth is a much better player than I am. Luck just swung my way a bit this time. And I played it ok ;) No he isn't, you sell yourself short, you're are great player esp in rp Title: Re: First Pk Log: Arzaath vs Zuggroth Post by: phinespec on November 06, 2014, 03:28:06 am Appreciate that a lot, coming from you, man. I wish my macbook had 10key ;D
Title: Re: First Pk Log: Arzaath vs Zuggroth Post by: Kage on November 06, 2014, 04:01:22 am - lol... gotta love these logs. Thanks for sharing. You can almost hear the alts/OOC groups and trash characters being summoned to hunt you down though...but worth it for sure.
p.s. Damn did he ever fail a strangle? And props for bringing out hellball and energy drain lol...usually outcast just cleave X 9000 Title: Re: First Pk Log: Arzaath vs Zuggroth Post by: Proph on November 06, 2014, 04:33:26 am p.s. Damn did he ever fail a strangle? Strangle works well even through amazing saves, not sure what it even checks besides size.Title: Re: First Pk Log: Arzaath vs Zuggroth Post by: zondra on November 06, 2014, 05:19:33 am zuggroth strangled me though 60 all saves
Title: Re: First Pk Log: Arzaath vs Zuggroth Post by: zondra on November 06, 2014, 05:21:36 am Appreciate that a lot, coming from you, man. I wish my macbook had 10key ;D trust me coming from me isn't big deal.ask around I'm a sh*tty player with good luck now and again 8) Title: Re: First Pk Log: Arzaath vs Zuggroth Post by: Proph on November 06, 2014, 05:33:07 am zuggroth strangled me though 60 all saves Burzum had 65~ saves across the board, also enlarged. Strangled me no problemoTitle: Re: First Pk Log: Arzaath vs Zuggroth Post by: omledufromage on November 06, 2014, 06:02:58 am I don't get it where people started thinking that strangle had anything to do with saves. It doesn't, as much as I know. And it shouldn't.
All that matters is size difference, and possibly some physical stats (?). I know that makes Dragon style a big plus for strangling attempts, considering it gives an additional size bonus. Maybe Jaguar does too? Zuggroth seems to be in Jaguar everytime the fights begin. - kender with enlarge? Not much of a big deal... it's like a normal sized char, human and elf, and such. Title: Re: First Pk Log: Arzaath vs Zuggroth Post by: zondra on November 06, 2014, 06:20:47 am with good reflexes should you sense or feel the hands around your neck and move or break away?
[log] 'Style jaguar' skill is active permanently, modifying damage roll by 13 modifying hit roll by 8 [/log] no size Title: Re: First Pk Log: Arzaath vs Zuggroth Post by: phinespec on November 06, 2014, 07:38:05 am - lol... gotta love these logs. Thanks for sharing. You can almost hear the alts/OOC groups and trash characters being summoned to hunt you down though...but worth it for sure. Haha totally. Such a rush. I quit out soonafter because of that very reason. I'm sure I'll get gotten. But for right now, I'm on my high horse. Or elephant p.s. Damn did he ever fail a strangle? And props for bringing out hellball and energy drain lol...usually outcast just cleave X 9000 He didn't fail a single strangle on me. Not sure how much larger I can get. The game with him was just waiting to get attacked and reacting. Quaffing this and that in between. P.S. Love hellballs and energy drain. :) Title: Re: First Pk Log: Arzaath vs Zuggroth Post by: novann on November 06, 2014, 09:32:12 am Yeah, nice log. At last Zuggy overspammed viperstrike.
Questions: 1. Where you got sanc for 5 hours, potions from quest in elven city? 2. How does at last sting of manticore works? Minos are vulnerable to it somehow (worked on Anza), and now we see that kenders are, but i cant sting Arsa (human) with my assassin. Someone said it checks fortitude and constitution, but minos have big const. Strange. Title: Re: First Pk Log: Arzaath vs Zuggroth Post by: phinespec on November 06, 2014, 10:48:50 am Yeah, nice log. At last Zuggy overspammed viperstrike. Questions: 1. Where you got sanc for 5 hours, potions from quest in elven city? 2. How does at last sting of manticore works? Minos are vulnerable to it somehow (worked on Anza), and now we see that kenders are, but i cant sting Arsa (human) with my assassin. Someone said it checks fortitude and constitution, but minos have big const. Strange. 1. That is a way to do it. yes 2. I'm not sure on how sting works. I just know it worked well on my mino. I'm fairly certain fortitude is tested. Don't know about constitution but my con is very high, yes. Title: Re: First Pk Log: Arzaath vs Zuggroth Post by: zondra on November 06, 2014, 01:37:27 pm Yeah, nice log. At last Zuggy overspammed viperstrike. Questions: 1. Where you got sanc for 5 hours, potions from quest in elven city? 2. How does at last sting of manticore works? Minos are vulnerable to it somehow (worked on Anza), and now we see that kenders are, but i cant sting Arsa (human) with my assassin. Someone said it checks fortitude and constitution, but minos have big const. Strange. If it is fort save, arsa as litte more than double outcast , arsa is half elf btw |