Title: Koelsoh the Eternal Flame vs. Zubba Post by: jAx on December 04, 2014, 03:21:23 am http://solace.i-read-you.ru/forum/logs/lview2.php?log=258 ... I understand your pain, and I'm sorry. Title: Re: Koelsoh the Eternal Flame vs. Zubba Post by: zondra on December 04, 2014, 03:55:28 am Easy way to loose all your equipment
Title: Re: Koelsoh the Eternal Flame vs. Zubba Post by: Proph on December 04, 2014, 04:48:12 am Hahaha, what a loser. Why would he fly while convusling and bleeding? just teleport or something.
Title: Re: Koelsoh the Eternal Flame vs. Zubba Post by: zondra on December 04, 2014, 05:08:16 am Why wasnt he sanced, i dont play mages but thats mage 101
Title: Re: Koelsoh the Eternal Flame vs. Zubba Post by: jAx on December 04, 2014, 06:05:11 am All good questions, I suppose adrenaline, and hasty decision making didn't help.
Koelsoh is fun , he's not very strong but highly underestimated. Wait until I find cone of acid spell again and meteor swarm |