Title: Wednesday Post by: Gran on April 07, 2015, 03:38:50 pm Surgery is for tomorrow .. she is no longer sedated .. and is in good spirits. Is loving not smoking (bit late!!! .. no never too late ) :) hates the hospital food with a passion! (this woman can cook!! ) Surgery is scheduled for 11am and they have organized for her to ring ALL the grand-kids .. something like a dozen!!!! I have lost count! .. but she will be able to phone all the grand-kids before she undergoes surgery. Still not sure at this stage if it will be open heart or not. I guess if the angioplasty doesn't work, then it is open heart or depending on how much damage.
So, I am still around ... :D distracted, but around still :) Thanks guys :) Title: Re: Wednesday Post by: zondra on April 07, 2015, 04:00:05 pm I hope everything turns out ok, ill be thinking of ya :-X
Title: Re: Wednesday Post by: Kage on April 07, 2015, 04:02:00 pm - Hope everything goes well! The heart is an amazingly resilient bundle of cells.