Title: ghoul flesh Post by: Akhulas on November 27, 2024, 03:43:06 pm [log]
<725/725hp 838/838mana 300/300mv 43069tnl 72g 11:00 | N> cast 'ghoul flesh' You recite your magical incantation. Your flesh turns lifeless and unfeeling. <725/725hp 778/838mana 300/300mv 43069tnl 72g 11:00 | N> cast 'ghoul flesh' You recite your magical incantation. Your flesh turns lifeless and unfeeling. <725/725hp 718/838mana 300/300mv 43069tnl 72g 11:00 | N> cast 'ghoul flesh' The spidery language of magic comes out of your lips. Your flesh turns lifeless and unfeeling. **skip** 'Ghoul flesh' spell is active for 10 hours and 5 minutes, modifying resistance to disease by 31 modifying resistance to poison by 31 modifying resistance to disease by 31 modifying resistance to poison by 31 modifying resistance to disease by 31 modifying resistance to poison by 31 modifying resistance to disease by 31 modifying resistance to poison by 31 modifying resistance to disease by 30 modifying resistance to poison by 30 modifying resistance to disease by 30 modifying resistance to poison by 30 modifying resistance to disease by 30 modifying resistance to poison by 30 You are immune to poison (265%) You are hurt by holy attacks (-20%) You are immune to diseases (255%) [/log] |