Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Bugs => Topic started by: Earwin on December 05, 2024, 07:44:56 pm

Title: Negative ¿flying? mana
Post by: Earwin on December 05, 2024, 07:44:56 pm
Killed with a fly spell on me, got up, run-run-run:

< 1/277h 0/466m 106/213v 113315xp 4:00 | SW >
You're already on the ground.
In a dark narrow alley
  You are standing upon a dusty street paved with dark cobblestones. A few
scattered torches flicker in the shadows and provide minimal light to see
by. The alley continues east or you can go west to South road.

[Exits: east west]
A guard is here walking the battlements.

< 1/277h -1/466m 106/213v 113315xp 4:00 | EW >

Note "You are already on the ground" message.
Got down to -6 or thereabouts before tick regen.

Title: Re: Negative ¿flying? mana
Post by: Earwin on December 05, 2024, 07:48:36 pm
On second thought, probably not related to fly affect before death, but rather the interplay of new movement mechanics with post-death flight.