Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Ideas => Topic started by: Earwin on December 06, 2024, 10:44:13 pm

Title: Forms ergonomics
Post by: Earwin on December 06, 2024, 10:44:13 pm
Formed chars currently have to keep their food in inventory.
It makes sense you're not picking stuff up with your fangs, and not handling your bags, alright.
It doesn't make sense at all that you can't eat the brownie's leg you've just bitten off from his body.
Suggestion: allow some or all forms to eat crap from the ground.

Forms have very little in terms of communication.
Like, there's a subset of emotes still working, but they're undocumented, you have to manually go through each and every one of them and test if it works in form.
Suggestion: add a help file or a command/option that lists emotes allowed in form.
Plus, yelling. Animals can't yell coherent words, but they can be freaking loud. Birds in particular, canines and adjacent.
Suggestion: you should be able to howl or screech or whatever, and be heard across the area, maybe flyzone included.

Major forms are powerhouses alright, but minor ones are kind of... boring.
They are okay-ish in terms of damage output/defence, but they feel really really dumb. You can't do anything with them.
And if you have access to major ones, you never use your minors again. Never ever ever.
Suggestion: give hares ability to flee in direction like thieves, turtles the ability to waterbreathe, wolves/jackals/foxes ability to sniff things out (e.g. a notification when 'look'ing that something is in the room you can't see, but can smell; applies both to e.g. hide/invis and blindness / but not to astral/duo, as these are dimensional techniques), boars ability to dig up fekkin truffles with light healing properties. or anything else that's not kill/sleep/revert

Title: Re: Forms ergonomics
Post by: deda on January 11, 2025, 03:26:46 pm
nice ideas

Title: Re: Forms ergonomics
Post by: Earwin on January 12, 2025, 01:29:54 am
Let me amend "okay-ish damage output": at hero level frikkin' "fly" hawk does more damage than "offence" jackal.
I would expect their scaling formulas to be the other way around.

Title: Re: Forms ergonomics
Post by: deda on January 15, 2025, 01:17:40 pm
you forget one thing: different forms have different damage types, ie some mobs have more resistances  to hawk's damage type while having less to jackal/fox's damage type.

Title: Re: Forms ergonomics
Post by: Earwin on January 15, 2025, 02:27:27 pm
Nope, I didn't.
I compared damroll@hero, it's just plain higher for hawk over jackal.
Does somewhat fewer attacks, but still.
More or less the same dodge rate.