Title: Druid greater boar form Post by: Raider on February 27, 2025, 12:10:23 pm 1. There is no lag on the spell when casting
2. Gore bleeds only on killing blow: [log] You gore a spring general with your tusks. Your goring DISEMBOWELS a spring general! A spring general is DEAD!! You earn 14184 experience points. A spring general hits the ground ... DEAD. The corpse of a spring general is lying here. You aren't able to sacrifice items in this form. Your tusk's tear a gaping wound in a spring general and blood spurts forth! [/log] 3. from 'help greater boar': [log]By viewing his/her 'empowers' while shapeshifted, a druid can view which spells are avaliable in form.[/log] 'empower' shows all spells, not only those available in the form 4. from 'help wolfform' : [log]While in form the druid may only cast certain spells, but form-specific fighting ability will also be granted.[/log] This one is not true. No casting in lesser forms. Title: Re: Druid greater boar form Post by: disaster on February 27, 2025, 08:17:46 pm 1,Druid's who have dedicated themselves to a single animal gain the power
to shapechange into that creature with great ease. 2. is gore intended to bleed enemy or is it death message? 3. emp p 4. wolfform has been replaced by deerform, if i am not wrong |