Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Ideas => Topic started by: eleazar on November 24, 2005, 01:09:14 am

Title: limited things
Post by: eleazar on November 24, 2005, 01:09:14 am
Limited items are vaporising to prevent item storing. It is just thing.
But not enough. What about books and their storing?  Manuals are limited too. Person with necromancer can find dozens of books and store to other chars. Such spells stay forever. Those are preventing persons who prefer to play another class to learn such books.
Those who do not play 5 hours in 15 days should forget what they learned from books.

Title: Re: limited things
Post by: Habbakuk on November 24, 2005, 01:23:03 am
Manuals & Books crumble to dust when you leave realms.

Title: Re: limited things
Post by: jemma on November 24, 2005, 02:57:12 am
Manuals & Books crumble to dust when you leave realms.

I think the reference is made to the learning from these books, not so much storing of the manuals themselves. :)

Those who do not play 5 hours in 15 days should forget what they learned from books. quote from Eleazar.

Title: Re: limited things
Post by: Nierth on November 24, 2005, 03:15:59 am
Those who do not play 5 hours in 15 days should forget what they learned from books.

No, you are wrong. If you have read book holding the spell improved armor (an example), this book wouldnt dissapear from game. You have learned the spell (or skill) and this book (manual) will appear in another place.

Title: Re: limited things
Post by: Critic on November 24, 2005, 09:28:40 am
maybe  ;D 8)

Title: Re: limited things
Post by: eleazar on November 24, 2005, 01:47:27 pm
Those who do not play 5 hours in 15 days should forget what they learned from books.

No, you are wrong. If you have read book holding the spell improved armor (an example), this book wouldnt dissapear from game. You have learned the spell (or skill) and this book (manual) will appear in another place.

I have heard that some stronger manuals and books are limited in number, like render life, lightning sheet and stronger fireball. So lets say 3-4 man will learn it, and noone else until that person die from age, even if such persons stop playing from some reason, but they do not delete chars.

Title: Re: limited things
Post by: Nierth on November 24, 2005, 01:53:10 pm
Well, where have you heard this?=)
It sounds very strange, cause if pwipe is long and many old chars are in player-base, new chars still have a chanse to find any Manual.
"Limited" means that there are only one or two manuals in the game simultaneously.

Title: Re: limited things
Post by: eleazar on November 24, 2005, 01:59:32 pm
Well, where have you heard this?=)
It sounds very strange, cause if pwipe is long and many old chars are in player-base, new chars still have a chanse to find any Manual.
"Limited" means that there are only one or two manuals in the game simultaneously.

I see. Thanks for explanation.