Title: Happy Thanksgiving Post by: jAx on November 24, 2005, 07:47:57 pm Hail to all,
I wish to greet everyone and wish them a very Happy Thanksgiving, full of good fun, family, a prosperous life. I'd like to raise my glass and toast a drink to everyone here, the players and Imm's for keeping this MUD moving forward, before I head back to the festivities. 3 CHEERS FOR ALL THE GREAT PEOPLE IN OUT WORLD HIP HIP HOORAY, HIP HIP HOORAY, HIP HIP HOOOOORAAAAY! May ye glasses never go dry, and may the food stay warm in our bellies. Nobody Title: Re: Happy Thanksgiving Post by: jemma on November 24, 2005, 11:59:25 pm An american thing. :)
Title: Re: Happy Thanksgiving Post by: Taiko on November 27, 2005, 12:55:28 am FCCK the thanksgiving day :)
American thingy... Title: Re: Happy Thanksgiving Post by: jAx on November 27, 2005, 01:52:30 am [cut out by censor ]...forever thanksgiving rules..time to get drunk and eat LOTS of food.