Title: new promotion - way to greate project! Post by: dehucka on November 26, 2005, 11:03:15 am Topmudsites and Mudconnector - it s advertising for those who play muds...
Another channel - DRAGONLANCE. i v already mentioned it early. May be we can coordinate with other rescoure, with dragonlance theme? it can be VERY intereting to people who read dragonlance books - to try our Solace. for example: http://www.dragonlance.com http://www.dragonlance.ru http://dragonlance.olmer.ru really guys we can attract THOUSANDS of PEOPLE, WHO ARE DRAGONLANCE FANS... for them such project as Solace - it s a mirracle... most of them dont know that it s possible to have REALITY of DRAGONLANCE... let s discuse it? it s not hard to contact with admins, managers of that projects and make a non commercial advertizing - because Solace can be GREATE VIRUS for those who already love Dragonlance. Just look: at www.dragonlance.com there s forum and chat - and they call it COMMUNITY of DRAGONLANCE - totall crap, real community can be organized on base of Solace - for sure. |