Title: The dragonarmy encampment Post by: Nierth on December 04, 2005, 10:01:09 am In the forest Dark trees grow strong around you, absorbing the light from above. All around is silent. Shadows lurk around you, creating eerie images. On the ground you see the path markings of many thousands of draconians leading to the north. The path continues to the south. [Exits: north] Title: Re: The dragonarmy encampment Post by: Chemosh, Lord of Undead on December 09, 2005, 03:17:23 pm do not post such messages, when you posting, point on mistake
Title: Re: The dragonarmy encampment Post by: Werewolf on December 09, 2005, 03:30:17 pm Hasn't she? The world 'south' in highlighted, and it is clear that it contradicts the information in exit string.
With the best regards. Title: Re: The dragonarmy encampment Post by: Nierth on December 10, 2005, 05:26:50 am do not post such messages, when you posting, point on mistake Hmm... But I did.. Title: Re: The dragonarmy encampment Post by: jemma on December 10, 2005, 07:13:37 am Maybe instead of posting it in log form - just post it in normal text?
In the forest Dark trees grow strong around you, absorbing the light from above. All around is silent. Shadows lurk around you, creating eerie images. On the ground you see the path markings of many thousands of draconians leading to the north. The path continues to the south. [Exits: north] And maybe, state - directions incorrect? Don't know. Just a suggestion. Title: Re: The dragonarmy encampment Post by: Nuitari on January 11, 2006, 01:38:12 am Fixed, coming next reboot.