Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Bugs => Topic started by: k0rh on December 09, 2005, 02:48:31 pm

Title: 'heat metal' spell
Post by: k0rh on December 09, 2005, 02:48:31 pm

The archmage of the Tower's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Yuln hoarth meiros dithal.'
You stop using an embroided robe of Thallion silk.
You remove and drop an embroided robe of Thallion silk before it burns you.
lore robe
Object 'robe embroided' is type armor.
You can wear it at body.
It is made of silk. <--- This makes sense.
Weight is 9, value is 10500, level is 17.
Armor class bonus: 9 vs pierce, 11 vs bash, 4 vs slash, and 8 vs magic.

Silken metal? Very nice.  ;)