Title: Chaos dominate. Post by: dehucka on December 16, 2005, 06:05:49 pm those who insult me will be punished. well planed action of Chaos against evil herecy:
[log] Duncon slips behind Haym's defences and delivers lightning-fast strikes to his ribs. Duncon's undercut devastates Haym. Duncon's undercut decimates Haym. Duncon's undercut devastates Haym. Duncon's undercut decimates Haym. Duncon's undercut decimates Haym. Haym is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided. Haym is poisoned by the venom on a long-bladed silver dagger. <1181hp 538m 365mv> Duncon's pierce MUTILATES Haym! Haym is DEAD!! Haym splatters blood on your armor. [/log] |