Title: Mistakes in necromancers' spells Post by: Werewolf on October 05, 2005, 03:10:32 pm Failed attempt to raise a mummy or a zombie:
[log] You fail and destroy the corpse of the merman guard [/log] without a trailing dot. Animate dead cooldown message: [log] You feel your power over the dead return. [/log] May the native English speakers correct me if I am wrong, but I feel something bad about this phrase. Should be 'returns' or possibly 'returning', not sure about it. Or 'return' is a noun here? Mummify cooldown message is even worse: [log] You feel you power over the dead return. [/log] Another funny thing is that when a skeleton or golem dies, the ordinary corpse is created. The result is [log] Your group: [ 3 Mob] The skeleton of the skeleton of the skeleton of an iron golem [/log] Title: Re: Mistakes in necromancers' spells Post by: Sir Solan on October 05, 2005, 04:15:10 pm I'm sorta sleepy, but I'm reasonably sure it's alright to say
"You feel your power over the dead return." and be gramatically correct. Title: Re: Mistakes in necromancers' spells Post by: jAx on October 05, 2005, 05:07:37 pm Right you are lad. Right you are.
Title: Re: Mistakes in necromancers' spells Post by: Miradael on October 06, 2005, 06:17:04 am I have an A in Pre-College Comp...sounds good to me :D
Title: Re: Mistakes in necromancers' spells Post by: Werewolf on October 06, 2005, 09:30:31 am Failed animate skeleton spell:
[log] You fail and destroy the skeleton of an aurburn haired mermaid [/log] without a dot too. Title: Re: Mistakes in necromancers' spells Post by: jAx on October 06, 2005, 09:31:47 am gramatically correct other than the error in punctuation
Title: Re: Mistakes in necromancers' spells Post by: Habbakuk on October 13, 2005, 05:51:27 pm Fixed.