Title: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Post by: jemma on December 22, 2005, 12:44:12 am Well my lovely people. It is almost that time of the year once again. My, how the time flys when one is having so much - fun. ;)
Tonight, my little baby girl arrives, and again, she brings with her my son and daughter-in-law. One day, when she is older, I will have to tell her to leave them at home. lol no, just kidding. I love to see them too. After Christmas, I am away for a week (there are those odd sounds of cheering once again. WHY do I keep hearing that sound whenever I say that I will be away? MOST odd indeed :D ) Going to house sit for my sister while she goes on holidays. BUT I get to see my grandaughter for another week, as we will be going to where they live. Ah, cooler weather - I hope. So, I want to wish one and all, a very blessed, safe and happy Christmas, and may the New Year bring joy and happiness to one and all. Thanks for being a great bunch. :) Chemosh, blessings to you my friend. Take care. The New Year will see new things ;) Catch you again soon I hope. :) Title: Re: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Post by: Hiddukel on December 23, 2005, 04:33:58 pm HAPPY CHRISTMAS JEMMA!
Just so you know, I am becomig all grown up. This Christmas will be my first with - - - a BABY! My little baby Owen, not my own (sadly) but perhaps one day, God willing, he may become my step-son. So, as you may imagine I am excited beyond understanding, Christmas with a baby!!! Argh! I will try and post some piccies to bore you jemma :) Title: Re: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Post by: Habbakuk on December 23, 2005, 05:02:16 pm Oh Hidd, where did you manage to steal a baby ?? :o
Title: Re: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Post by: Niano on December 23, 2005, 05:51:22 pm I would advise you to return it swiftly after christmas is done. The holidays may be all fine and dandy, but on ordinary days...lets just say you'll be happier with an on and off relationship. ::)
Title: Re: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Post by: jemma on December 24, 2005, 01:54:35 am HAPPY CHRISTMAS JEMMA! Just so you know, I am becomig all grown up. This Christmas will be my first with - - - a BABY! My little baby Owen, not my own (sadly) but perhaps one day, God willing, he may become my step-son. So, as you may imagine I am excited beyond understanding, Christmas with a baby!!! Argh! I will try and post some piccies to bore you jemma :) Oh Hiddy. Congrats. :D Yes PLEASE send or post some pics for me. And, EMAIL me ;) give me the gos :D Title: Re: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Post by: jemma on December 27, 2005, 10:38:36 am http://www.busybus.co.uk/design/xmas_santa.swf
;D ;) ;D |