Title: Mishakal's Temple Post by: Matthew on December 30, 2005, 04:18:44 am It does not say in the help files if you must not be clanned to be accepted into the temple of mishakal or revenants.
Or whether you must be within normal clan level requirements. Title: Re: Mishakal's Temple Post by: Matthew on December 30, 2005, 05:43:25 am 7 views and no replies :( does nobody know?
Title: Re: Mishakal's Temple Post by: jemma on December 30, 2005, 06:15:43 am I guess that means so far, all of us who have viewed have no idea? :) Sorry, I don't anyway.
Title: Re: Mishakal's Temple Post by: Matthew on December 30, 2005, 08:47:06 am It sucks, i cannot join a clan until i know, so i cannot level anymore and the clan i wish to join may close applications before then. Why is it not in the help files!?
Title: Re: Mishakal's Temple Post by: Valeria on December 30, 2005, 09:30:22 am It sucks, i cannot join a clan until i know, so i cannot level anymore and the clan i wish to join may close applications before then. Why is it not in the help files!? You may want to try praying (in game) and see if an imm responds, you may get some resolution there. My understanding a long time ago was that it was mutually exclusive, but since then I have heard otherwise. So you should likely ask an imm for an official ruling. Title: Re: Mishakal's Temple Post by: Nierth on December 30, 2005, 10:19:10 am It does not say in the help files if you must not be clanned to be accepted into the temple of mishakal or revenants. Or whether you must be within normal clan level requirements. I only know that you may forget about Revenant Clan. Seems it will never be opened. Title: Re: Mishakal's Temple Post by: Matthew on December 30, 2005, 10:31:23 am If they are clans, then it would be safe to assume i cannot join another clan and have to stick with normal 18-25 level clan restriction.
Title: Re: Mishakal's Temple Post by: Nierth on December 30, 2005, 10:42:18 am As far as I know, there are no any level restrictions for shrines, but I think God'll prefer to see you in Hero ranks.
Better pray and ask. Title: Re: Mishakal's Temple Post by: Critic on December 30, 2005, 10:47:33 am hehe, you want both this and that, don't be so greedy :) choose what you want and do it. if you weant to join clan - don't rank up higher 25. if you want to join shrine - rank up, but there is a risk you won't be inducted into shrine. choose youself 8)
Title: Re: Mishakal's Temple Post by: Matthew on December 30, 2005, 11:24:11 am So the Temple is a shrine, like a clan but different? Are you saying you do not need to stick to 18-25 to be chosen? And you cannot be chosen to enter the shrine if you join a clan? I am a cleric of Mishakal at the moment, worshiped at her shrine. Im not sure i understand exactly what your saying.
Title: Re: Mishakal's Temple Post by: jemma on December 30, 2005, 12:10:48 pm I think you will find Clans are different to shrine.
Title: Re: Mishakal's Temple Post by: Nierth on December 30, 2005, 07:21:07 pm Matthew, first of all, read carefully information aout Clans, posted on official site. And about Shrines.
Second, the fact that you are cleric of Mishakal doesnt mean that God will call you to enter her shrine (Mishakal temple). It's very different things. You've chosen your worship on 5th rank, but to enter any shrine you should prove that you're worthy and be strong enough. And third. My opinion. It's hard to play in Clan. Hard for newbie, honestly. You should know how to fight and fight nice. And if you're going to enter Temple - pray to Gods. Title: Re: Mishakal's Temple Post by: Matthew on December 31, 2005, 12:05:32 am Yeah i found all the stuff on the site when i chose Mishakal.
Title: Re: Mishakal's Temple Post by: Morgion on December 31, 2005, 06:34:19 am I'll be extremely blunt with you: You basically stand no chance entering a shrine with your first character, unless your roleplay is UNBELIEVEABLE. In most cases, shrines are built for elite RPers, elite PKers, and those who know Solace's land outlay extremely well.
As for clans, they do not involve shrine status. You can be in a clan and a shrine, or just a clan, or just a shrine. Please note, clans are much easier to join than shrines. If you learned Solace fast, and you are a good RPer, you should be able to get into your clan of choice. One tip: Find ALL clan hall locations before applying for a clan. Many times you will be tested on the whereabouts of clan hall locations, and, once you get into a clan, enemy clan hall locations are ESSENTIAL. EDIT: You should also know that it is not uncommon for your "immortal of choice" to request you to leave your clan before joining their shrine, this could be a part of your testing. I've personally done this in the past too =). Title: Re: Mishakal's Temple Post by: Matthew on January 01, 2006, 04:25:46 pm I played this mud years ago but one day it dissapeared which was dissapointing, i was pretty happy to see it again. I have played many many muds for many years, this is only the second mud that has heavy role play but, it really works here. I intended to join a clan until i read about the shrine, but then thought i should get some info on shrines before i ran headlong into anything. This will be my 4th character so far, i have actually won fights with this one :) and only lost one of the others, as I am use to playing a clerical type characters on other muds, i am right at home now.