Title: High Tower of Sorcery Post by: jAx on January 02, 2006, 09:24:13 am Near the top of the Tower
This landing is near the top of the enormous tower. Glowing orbs rests on the stone walls giving light to the room. The stones that make up this area of the tower are joined together with the finest precision and quality in Krynn. Nearing the top level of the tower you may continue to the east, south, and south. [Exits: east south west] (Glowing) A large globe is glowing with a soft, white light. <748/748hp 312/312mana 232/237mv 173022tnl | ESW> where Players near you: (PK) Nyliar Near the top of the Tower Title: Re: High Tower of Sorcery Post by: Nuitari on January 11, 2006, 01:29:30 am Fixed, coming next reboot.