Solace MUD Official Forum

General => Newbies Section => Topic started by: arpade on July 29, 2014, 01:24:16 am

Title: Questions!
Post by: arpade on July 29, 2014, 01:24:16 am
Hey guys, recently i realized i didn't know a few some pretty basic stuff or any game mechanic details and decided to ask about them here:

-Damage reducing spells stack in which way with each other? I would say it is fairly obvious Sanc and resistances have a multiplicative stacking (because obviously 50% fire resistance + sanc doesent mean you dont take fire damge). But Sanc and protection are also multiplicative? 10% protection reduction + 50% sanc = 55%  reduction (multiplicative), or 60% reduction (additive)?

- +armor enchantments from items (not the slash/pierce/etc armor values from armor, the bonus armor property some have) grant resistances right? In what rate? Is this a viable way to get considerable resistances to everything?

- Are the offensive potions that exist in the game merely "traps" or is there any way of using them on enemies?

- Does anyone really know how damage is calculated? How damroll affects your weapon damage and how hit interacts with enemy armor, stuff like that.

- I vaguely remember about someone telling me ages ago when that clerics heal mainly with cure critical (im guessing because it is mana effective). Is this accurate? Do clerics use mortal or heal (if mish?) in dire need as well?


Title: Re: Questions!
Post by: zondra on July 29, 2014, 01:48:19 am
I also used cure mortal at hero ranks at hero rank mana used isnt that great. And in battle you need two cure crits for one mortal so extra cast one less mace swing can mean death, And reducing spells stack sanc 50 prot evil 15  i think 65 less damage against evil etc. Other stuff not sure

Title: Re: Questions!
Post by: bluesky on July 29, 2014, 01:48:58 am
Imms were not eager to reveal all this, i guess the reason is it is part of copyright.
However, most of these questions can be answered by ingame experimenting. Personally i never tried to experiment because of several reasons, with main reason of laziness, but it doesn't matter anyway since i wouldn't share it (why would i do job for others).
-My guess is, sanc halves damage you receive. 50% fire res halves fire damage and you receive remaining 50%. Sanc halves it further so it should be that you receive 25% damage. Protection evil/good counts, and protection doesnt. Protection evil/good grants 25% damage reduce from appropriate alignment. This is all my guessing, so don't take it as accurate.
-AC gives resist all, but in huge amounts... from experience about -100 ac 1% of resist all.

Title: Re: Questions!
Post by: Critic on July 29, 2014, 08:44:42 am
fore example
50% sanc
40% fire dam
25% protection


1*(1-0,5)*(1-0,4)*(1-0,25)=0,225 ~ 22% from damage.
you lose 22hp instead of 100hp.

Is it clear?

Title: Re: Questions!
Post by: omledufromage on August 02, 2014, 07:10:03 pm
very clear, thanks!