Solace MUD Official Forum

General => Logs => Topic started by: Dilmo on September 04, 2014, 04:57:07 am

Title: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Dilmo on September 04, 2014, 04:57:07 am
Well, the prehistory of this log is..

I am a mage and had traveled several times with Evandar who is the warrior. Nothing was wrong.
But imagine my surprise when i see:

-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=-
            (PK) Evandar the male wild elf, Soldier of Heretics

I decided to clear out what is happening:
You tell Evandar, 'Hellllaoo, cawre too traveell toogether ?'
Evandar tells you, 'In a bit yes.'
You tell Evandar, 'Tehll me whehn you beh rreahdy.'
Evandar tells you, 'Ok.'
Evandar tells you, 'Actually I can't group with you anymore. Heretics can't group with mages.'
Evandar tells you, 'Forgot you were transmuter.'
You tell Evandar, 'Why yoou trravellehd with me behffoorreh iff youhh werre going too jooin Hereticcth ?'
Evandar tells you, 'Because I wasn't a Heretic then.'
You tell Evandar, 'Reeallly nicee llogicc.'

the end...

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Kage on September 04, 2014, 05:56:17 am
- This goes nicely with the poor bastard from the other thread prolly using perfect RP with 2 chars and never getting interview for either clan.  Message sent and received for the billionth time....the more things chnage the more they stay the same.  Both threads make me  ::)

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: unreal on September 04, 2014, 06:54:39 am
Wait a moment.. didn't you burn his village and kill all his family?? I'm almost sure that was exactly you who did it  ;D ;D

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Dilmo on September 04, 2014, 09:16:58 am
Looks like he got a damn amnesia from the very childhood !
And finally he managed to remember all the horror mages did to his family
and all the people of that small village he grew up.

He gracefully escaped the shackles of this lie of his illness and now
he is the most righteous warrior of Heretics, who will burn the filth of magic
out of the Krynn untill his death.

I think I would use such explanation in the role :)

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: unreal on September 04, 2014, 11:54:12 am
Looks like he got a damn amnesia from the very childhood !
And finally he managed to remember all the horror mages did to his family
and all the people of that small village he grew up.

He gracefully escaped the shackles of this lie of his illness and now
he is the most righteous warrior of Heretics, who will burn the filth of magic
out of the Krynn untill his death.

I think I would use such explanation in the role :)

and surely he was in the village that time too, but somehow he is the only one who managed to avoid the final fireball that finished destruction of the last building (right where was all his family at the moment) in the village.. and the last tongue of flame just touched his head and because of it he got his memory selectively damaged. Didn't you noticed strange behavior while he was hunting with you? actually he disliked you from very first meeting, but he just couldn't find the reason why and only because of good education he continued to travel with you. And when he reached 25th rank in his guild.. happened all that you described above. And your dirty insinuations aren't good at all!!  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Genocide on September 04, 2014, 12:30:45 pm
Wait a moment ...
You didn't mention this:
Some people in his village were transmuted into slugs, other were rised as zombies and skeletons.
Clerics were dancing on the grave of his grandfather, while outcast knights were singing marry songs and druids laughed as they smoked weed.
Kinghts were patrolling the area to prevent any help from outside the village.

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: bluesky on September 04, 2014, 12:46:19 pm
He was actually on special mission of warlord himself, to act as non-heretic, find mages, spend some time with them, befriend them, learn their weaknesses and spy them, infiltrate their ranks, know their habbits, prefered areas, where and when they go to bathroom, find their dirty things, print it in newspaper, expose Tower as a very bad place. Compared to this high cause, leveling several mages in fast rate was just collateral damage... :P

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Ridgeway on September 04, 2014, 03:01:55 pm
First I'm Evandar.
Second seeing as you all dont play my character you all have no idea what's happened to my character to know why I'm in the Heretics.
3rd no where does it say that my characters hatred of magic has to be a factor of my character from birth.

Everyone seems to think that merely talking like a f*cking retard all the time signifies good role play. No it doesn't. Good role play comes from sculpting your character based off events in game. No one in this game role plays good in my opinion. We use tells which allow us to talk across several areas has if we are standing side by side. We all use OOC knowledge to collect gear and move. When in all actuality the first time your new character enters the game you should move slow as sh*t so your character can remember where he is and where he is going. Everyone seems to think I'll just talk like a f*cking retard and my Role play is acceptable. That's wrong. And until true role play is enforced a lot more than it currently is you are a f*cking moron of you allow yourself to die to keep some half ass

So to meet my characters role of being a Heretic I went and died to a caster. That is all it takes to spark a hatred of magic. So I'm well within my Role of being a Heretic.

As far as what I said to Korli I did forget she was a transmuter. I have related her to being a ranger for some reason. Also I wasn't paying much attention when she asked to group. Related name to ranger to already grouped before. Once I started thinking about Korli I remembered she was a mage.

Also how you going to Role play talking to me without standing next to me in game since everyone wants to be RP Police. Did you use the force? A Telephone? We mind linked or something. So has far as Logic goes apply that back. What logic do you have for using tells group chat clan channels or anything else other than say or yell. That goes to all of you so called Roleplayers.

Oh and Kage I was interviewed. And since I had a viable reason to hate magic and good Role play it based off my characters experience and not by just talking funny I got in.
Please just police your characters and don't worry about mine. I seem to be able to take care of my own characters. That goes for everyone not just you. The game would be better off if everyone worried about what they did and not everyone else. Since we are all adults didn't everyone's parents teach them that as kids?

TLDR ; Not your character, don't know everything it's done, f*ck off.

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Daekrist on September 04, 2014, 03:06:12 pm

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: jAx on September 04, 2014, 03:24:26 pm
Somebody woke up pist :/

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Ridgeway on September 04, 2014, 03:29:06 pm
It's pissed not pist.

No I'm not mad at all. I simply think the RP Police should f*ck off when we are all guilty of half ass role-playing.

Also everyone needs to worry about their characters and not everyone else's. Let the Immortals worry about the state of Role play in the realms.

3rd my phone is annoying me off autocorrecting Role play wrong half the time.

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: zondra on September 04, 2014, 03:33:56 pm
It's pissed not pist.

No I'm not mad at all. I simply think the RP Police should f*ck off when we are all guilty of half ass role-playing.

Also everyone needs to worry about their characters and not everyone else's. Let the Immortals worry about the state of Role play in the realms.

3rd my phone is annoying me off autocorrecting Role play wrong half the time.

there is a reason we have immortals,  i think we need a US one
i think we take game too serious,  i know i get mad rage delete, make new char start writing new rolea and move on

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Kage on September 04, 2014, 04:04:40 pm
- No need to get salty.  My comment was more about imagining how someone else must feel not even getting a reply for a clan ...not so much about your wonky ass role.

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Ridgeway on September 04, 2014, 04:33:40 pm
My whole reply wasn't just directed to you about howsimply talking funny doesn't make it good role play.

It was directed at the entire playerbase. It's not salty. It's simply a different way of seeing role play. Good role play doesn't come from speaking funny but completely developing a character.

All I remember Kazo doing was talking. That's not really role-playing to me. It's just talking with different words. Yoda wasn't defined by his speech. It's was a characteristic of him. Granted a memorable one.

We all have different opinions on good role play. Until the Immortals enforce a defined set of rules for role play it's all interpretation. And everyone should leave everyone else to their own devices. I'm not going to sit and have pointless conversations in MS to meet your definition of role play.

Also has someone who is such a champion of role play you are also one of the biggest complainers. You have said in other posts it's a weakness and not rewarded enough. However you enjoy it so you keep doing it. Which is fine. I want you to play the way you enjoy.

I wanted to be a Heretic. I didn't like the ranger I had in the Heretics and wanted to swap classes. So I quickly leveled a new character so I could replace it. Yes I used whoever I could to rank quickly. And I'm not even 25 yet I'm 22 at the moment. But I can role play the grouping with mages and the events in my characters life to be a Heretic.

So you can call it Wonky if you want. I call it different and yours boring and just as bad.

As for Llenis and others not gettinga clan interview that isn't my problem. I'm east coast USA and I got in because I wrote a note to Hiddukel and asked when I needed to be on to do it. I told Llenis and therefore everyone else on the board about this yesterday. Have some patience and send a note explaining the situation and try and be flexible. Problem solved.

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: omledufromage on September 04, 2014, 04:35:33 pm
no where does it say that my characters hatred of magic has to be a factor of my character from birth.

I, for once, agree with Ridgeway.

I simply think the RP Police should f*ck off when we are all guilty of half ass role-playing.

Hmm... tbh, I think that was pretty well said. I'll take that into consideration.

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: zondra on September 04, 2014, 04:47:42 pm
if we all rped like kazo we would be in good shape, wrong tree to bark up i think

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: omledufromage on September 04, 2014, 04:48:06 pm
if we all rped like kazo we would be in good shape, wrong tree to bark up i think


And Kage has a point. PK is much more rewarded then RP. (almost) Always has been.

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: unreal on September 04, 2014, 05:08:48 pm
Oh dear...

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Proph on September 04, 2014, 05:21:22 pm
Everyone seems to think that merely talking like a f*cking retard all the time signifies good role play.
Apparently some people think it signifies a good forum post too.

Keep in mind that not everyone's first language here is English. I'm sure some people are doing the best they can.  As long as they're not using contemporary slang and they are trying to be consistent based on the character's intelligence, class and story, then I don't think we should jump down anyone's throat.

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: zondra on September 04, 2014, 05:25:39 pm
Oh dear...

miss playing yet unreal? ;D ::)

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Ridgeway on September 04, 2014, 05:32:45 pm
When I say talking like a retard, your first language has nothing to do with that.

Say greetings instead of hello. Lets go grow instead of going leveling or ranking, ask what path I walk instead of just asking for my alignment. Asking if someone will take blows instead of tank.That's simply switching words out. Which sounds retarded but does signify half ass attempt at role play so we all do it. And it sounds like we are all retarded. It also isn't the only element of role play. It's defined by speech actions and everything else about your character.

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Proph on September 04, 2014, 05:44:37 pm
When I say talking like a retard, your first language has nothing to do with that.

Say greetings instead of hello. Lets go grow instead of going leveling or ranking, ask what path I walk instead of just asking for my alignment. Asking if someone will take blows instead of tank.That's simply switching words out. Which sounds retarded but does signify half ass attempt at role play so we all do it. And it sounds like we are all retarded. It also isn't the only element of role play. It's defined by speech actions and everything else about your character.

Well that makes a lot more sense and I completely agree with you (although I wouldn't even credit those people with a half-assed attempt at RP). If you were a little more articulate instead of constantly using insulting language people would get a lot more out of your posts.

I always try to justify what I'm saying in the context of RP. Like if I want someone to turn OOC channel on so I can help them with the game, I say something like "do you speak of things beyond this realm?" or referring to triggers in my mud client I call them "reflexes". Usually it takes some effort and creativity, but imho it really enhances the experience when people RP.

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: omledufromage on September 04, 2014, 05:55:18 pm
If you were a little more articulate instead of constantly using insulting language people would get a lot more out of your posts.

Yes yes yessss

Like if I want someone to turn OOC channel on so I can help them with the game, I say something like "do you speak of things beyond this realm?"
Already know who you are!  ;D

And PS: Ridgeway, I don't think what you call as "sounding retarded" constitutes as a valid RP on its own, but I do think no valid RP goes without it, for it helps to create the necessary psychological environment or state to get in character. But, again... that, on its own, is not RP. I agree with that, and I do think mostly anybody would.

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Ridgeway on September 04, 2014, 05:58:50 pm
Yes I suppose it might enhance the experience. I try and stay IC when I use say. If I'm in Group chat or tells I just say what I need to say. Especially if I'm trying to help someone. To me if it's public sight it should be role played. If it's private it shouldn't matter.

Once again it's all interpretation until Imms give us defined rules. Unless I missed reading a rule somewhere. Which is possible.

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Proph on September 04, 2014, 06:28:05 pm
I've been playing off and on since 2001, and it has always been my impression that if it's not prayed or in OOC channel it needs to be RP'd. I've been accused of taking this game too seriously before though, so maybe I'm interpreting it too strictly.

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Matthew on September 04, 2014, 06:38:09 pm
Nope thats pretty much how I treat it too

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: omledufromage on September 04, 2014, 06:56:52 pm
If I am not mistaken, helpfile states that even Pray is RP-only. To speak with imms out of RP, you are supposed to use Immreport.

Yep, just checked:

 Keywords: 'Pray', 'Immreport'

   Syntax: pray <message>
           immreport <message>

   1. PRAY command should be used only for roleplaying purposes (as in,
      a priest praying to his God) -- you may get a reply on it or you
      may not -- what do you expect from prayers? Miracles? However,
      all adequate prayers are considered a part of your role.

   2. On the other hand, there is IMMREPORT command -- which should be
      used for OOC purposes only -- that is, reporting bugs, asking any
      engine-related questions or reporting rules breaking.

      If you get no immediate response, please keep patient and repeat
      the report in, say, fifteen minutes. If we can't reply you, it
      means we are really busy or we are not available.


Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Proph on September 04, 2014, 07:08:09 pm
I didn't know IMMREPORT was still used. I use pray for reporting cheaters, asking questions about the MUD etc and no Imms seem to mind.

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Ridgeway on September 04, 2014, 08:14:01 pm
The way I take it, since tells and group chat are directly anti to then why rp when I use them. There is no good role play explaination as to why you can talk to someone standing at the crossroads from palanthas ms. No explanation as to how you talk to your groupmates in Group chat when your character is asleep.

So technically we should only use say and yell from a role play perspective. However we all bend the rules to suit our own situation. Hence we need clear cut rules from Immortals on RP. To me that's a bigger topic than some bullsh*t item transferring multicharring etc. Simply because we are listed as a Role play Mud first and PVP mud second.

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Nierth on September 04, 2014, 09:24:30 pm
I love our guys sense of humor. Thanks ;)

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Nierth on September 04, 2014, 09:28:54 pm

Say greetings instead of hello. Lets go grow instead of going leveling or ranking, ask what path I walk instead of just asking for my alignment. Asking if someone will take blows instead of tank.That's simply switching words out. Which sounds retarded but does signify half ass attempt at role play so we all do it. And it sounds like we are all retarded. It also isn't the only element of role play. It's defined by speech actions and everything else about your character.

Almost all my friends in game always communicated like that. Using all these words, etc. but role play is not the way you are talking, it's the way you are thinking.

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Kage on September 05, 2014, 03:41:50 am
- Yes using words isn't the only way to RP... and it is harder and more difficult to RP then to not...I think that's obvious.  But not using words or actions to RP isn't RP either.  Someone posted something and if you really didn't care you wouldn't have said anything. 

- You are just jumping on my case because I RP?  Be proud of however you play I say... and you don't have to get so defensive.  Talking is just one part of RP you have to talk the talk and walk the walk imo.  Kazo had to fight guardians, solamnics, heretics, takh and even some wardens when RP forced it ...every annoying trash thief/assassin/kbaot's  8)  .  So my "talking" funny got me into many battles and Kazo's RP bought him constant ethical fights he had to do.... it would be easy to do what ever I wanted of course... some choose that a lot.

-  Where is Hansen was it?  at least he used to keep you more in line I remember.  Your just all bitter and disgruntled as I read back posts and forum threads catching up.

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Dilmo on September 05, 2014, 05:56:28 am
What a nice discussion.

Actually I decided to post that log on forum because I found it very funny
Rp like "I will not use magic, cause I promised not to do that to Heretics when they accepted me in"
looks rather childish to me...
It sounds like
"Please get me in CIA, cause one arabian spy kicked my ass in the bar once. And I will never share any secret that you tell me with anyone, well at lease I will try to do that.... Ple-e-e-a-a-ase ? :)"

Very funny, indeed :)

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Dilmo on September 05, 2014, 05:58:55 am
And several days later....

With a serious face without even shadow of a smile:
'I am CIA agent... I can't share secrets with you, cause I promised not to. I will not break my word'..

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Ridgeway on September 05, 2014, 06:32:47 am
Bitter? What's there to be bitter about? No one bothers me in game. I kind of just stick to myself and mind my own business. I have nothing to be bitter about.

Also Hansen RPs better than I do. I'm not especially good at it cause I don't f*cking care about RP in general. I do it when needs be. IE getting into a clan. Otherwise I do what I do. Does it mean I can't RP? No. I can if I try. I just see no reason in doing it. Kinda pointless to me. However I will do when it's warranted.

I'm well aware you are considered a decent roleplayer. I wasn't playing much when Kazo hit his stride.

Hell if it wasn't for Hansen and Haston I wouldn't play now. However they enjoy the game and I enjoy playing Solace with them
when we all can play.

As far caring. No I don't care about everyone's opinions. You can all hate me dislike me love me or whatever you want to feel about me.
However I'm going to say something
when people start talking sh*t without knowing what's going on. Or
when someone tries to tell me how my character should be played. It isn't your character to worry about, it's the Immortals job to worry about what I'm doing. So unless your name is Hiddukel or Sirrion, you can go play in traffic, or fall down some steps, when it comes to talking about what I need to do with my character in game.

Damn for once I can't say anything to Unreal. He didn't say anything but Oh Dear once I commented. He kept his half a cent to himself. I'm surprised.

Please dont assume you know sh*t about me Kage. I'm not as nice as Hansen. I wasn't jumping your case because you RP. I called you out because you assumed you had some right to comment about a character you know nothing about. Like you get to be RP Police because you had good RP with Kazo. I've already gotten into it several times with Unreal so I pretty much just don't comment back to him and O ignore him for the most part. Suppose I'll just do the same with you. 

Also Dilmo, no one kicked my ass. I said I died to a mage. Did you forget there are sh*t tons of npc casters in game? I can go facecheck Kith-Kanan anytime and die on purpose to have a RP excuse to hate Mages. Could use Red Robed Mage, Witches in Emerald Forest, etc. Once again this is why I say anything. People talking sh*t about stuff they don't know. Evandar hasn't died to a player. I got over getting mad about PK deaths a long time ago. So no that isn't what happened. Also how you gonna ask me to group with you today? I'm not gonna group with Korli. You are a whiny bitch in my opinion. Yes I forgot you were a transmuter yesterday when I said I'd group with you. I seem to have associated Korli with being a ranger. I wont forget again.

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: unreal on September 05, 2014, 06:49:29 am

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Dilmo on September 05, 2014, 06:53:38 am
Also Dilmo, no one kicked my ass. I said I died to a mage. Did you forget there are sh*t tons of npc casters in game? I can go facecheck Kith-Kanan anytime and die on purpose to have a RP excuse to hate Mages.

Relax, that was just an example...
Childish, as I told before... :)
Did not mean to offend you, that was rather funny. And you are wrong about me whining, There is nothing to whine about.. just funny

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Dilmo on September 05, 2014, 06:55:28 am
Nice video, Unreal, straight to the point.

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Kage on September 05, 2014, 07:00:36 am
- its just run your mouth and call out whoever"..then try and say dont talk about you or your character...just hush and go sit somewhere.

P.s.. Hansen come get your boy

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Ridgeway on September 05, 2014, 07:55:00 am
Reading is fundamental. I didnt say don't talk about me. I said don't tell me what to do with my character and don't think you know me. There is a difference. If you can't read and comprehend what people have said don't comment.

Title: Re: RolePlay - level 100
Post by: Genocide on September 05, 2014, 08:18:25 am
I didn't get, was that Ridgeway's heretic?
Don't want to read the whole pages of letters, i thought it would be humor, but seems like it's getting serious  ???