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Author Topic: Guilds  (Read 29642 times)
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"He could be my friend if he weren't my enemy."

« Reply #40 on: March 27, 2008, 12:55:57 am »

But some evil outcast knight atacking asn's guild because one hair-like seasonal assassin is hiding there. (all actors are in pkrange ). There're a lot of such examples.
It kills dynamic playing to all.
We need to find others ways.

- I didnt say in the city...it should only trigger no-quit flag for the assassins if they were hiding in the guild.

-The best part about this conversation... is we never have to have it again.                             - Archangel Gabriel
« Reply #41 on: March 27, 2008, 03:53:31 am »

Not sure I agree with this because of what, if any effect this will have on new players if they are now essentially forced to protect their guilds and not expected to flee out.  Cowardice or not, not everyone is prepared to defend while in guild.  I think allowing one to defend and receiving buff is nice, I like idea that killer of guildmaster gets buff.  But to require someone to defend guild seems a bit much.  How prepared is anyone to defend guild?  If you are walking around, sure, you accept some risk, but to be blindsided in guild and potentially unprepared, flee is proper option.  You give up guildmaster (perhaps make guildmaster repop longer then guild guard, and I think guild guard should be stronger too) so fleeing guild lurker must find new home.

Just my thoughts, I seldom hang out in guilds anyway...
« Reply #42 on: March 27, 2008, 10:04:44 am »

No-one is forcing you to protect your guild master. You can run to the hills if you want to. I just do not wish to see people from %0 guild quit in %1 guild, and i do not want to see people quiting in guild when someone attacks it.

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« Reply #43 on: March 27, 2008, 10:55:02 am »

When i quit in guild means - i am sure i will die if i go out and fight. So why the hell should i Huh That's your problem to catch me. But more often i quit in one guild and in case of attack i recall to the guild of my hometown. So if i do not want to fight you will never force me to fight. And talking in this topic is just wasting of time  Tongue
« Reply #44 on: March 27, 2008, 12:26:15 pm »

When i quit in guild means - i am sure i will die if i go out and fight. So why the hell should i Huh That's your problem to catch me. But more often i quit in one guild and in case of attack i recall to the guild of my hometown. So if i do not want to fight you will never force me to fight. And talking in this topic is just wasting of time  Tongue

Maybe its just waist of time talking to you.
Again no-one is forcing anyone to fight.
MAIN point of my suggestion is to prevent quiting in another's guild.
Another good point is to give guild some sense and meaning.
Another good point is to prevent wimpers from quiting on the spot of the attack.
Another good point is to giving chance of survival to those who are sure will die, like you are Genocide.

 Lips sealed
« Reply #45 on: March 27, 2008, 02:51:08 pm »

No-one is forcing you to protect your guild master. You can run to the hills if you want to. I just do not wish to see people from %0 guild quit in %1 guild, and i do not want to see people quiting in guild when someone attacks it.


Thanks for the clarification, I was commenting not only on your original idea, but the additional comments provided by others. To be clear:

I think the first idea is fine, no quit in another's guild. 

I think the second idea is fine, no quitting in a guild that is being attacked; the guild in that case is "busy".

My concerns are more focused on the 2 hour wait that others have suggested, and the need to force guild defense, or even the buffs to defender and buffs to attacker if guildmaster is killed (although these might actually be nice prizes to encourage defense and attack).  I think Quino describes it nicely:

Well yes, you can always do that. But if your guild is under attack with you in it (or in same town)
you get no-quit flag. From there you can decide if you wish to take a stand along guild master or
flee. This way whimpers can't quit instantly, and have a chance of survival next to guild master.

Tuxius, not everyone plays honorable knights. I know many that have played dishonorable, selfish, opportunists, myself included.  Would it be in their proper roleplay to defend the guild?  Why should/would they even care?  I am not sure that we need to enforce a style of roleplay. I just like roleplay that is consistent, but that is just me.  I can envision a chaotic thief, or even a minotaur outcast, legitimately not defending their guild, the first not caring about their guildmaster, the second thinking "guildmaster, prove thy worth."  There are probably other likely scenarios too.

So, to sum it up, I like Khein's original two ideas, but I am not sure what it might mean to roleplay and new players, to add the additional pork.

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« Reply #46 on: March 27, 2008, 03:21:05 pm »

 Smiley It was a long a time ago, my outcast knight entered his guild in the Palanthas and was strangeled, a bit later he(outcast) was killed.
All can I said I got a good lesson. And I want to shake a arm of those clever beast assassin. And Genocide is right. If you won't die then you are doing simple things to servive. And if you are going to pkill someone and the only one way is to wait when a victim will enter his guild, then I'm sorry. 
   There was good idea about guildmaster. Let him assist guildmember, just assist. Don't consider it with clan's inners.

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« Reply #47 on: March 27, 2008, 05:43:45 pm »

i know i did this at work sometimes if i was bussy wasn't watching 100% i would sit in my guild till i had time to play and i would need to keep my time up. i know it isn't right but i felt a cleric sitting in his guild isn't that bad, i don't have time at home to play so work was my only time. i know that is cheating quiting when guild is attacked, this is one of main reasons i stopped playing Tongue
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« Reply #48 on: March 28, 2008, 10:57:32 am »

This topic is anti-solace. Let there be blood. Fix powers wearing off on/before logon.

I don't want it back. You can never get rid of the smell, you know. Besides, that dagger was Flint's!
« Reply #49 on: October 08, 2008, 11:48:40 am »


Implement this idea for god sakes,
« Last Edit: October 08, 2008, 04:32:17 pm by Nierth » Logged
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Frack off?

« Reply #50 on: December 27, 2010, 07:35:27 pm »

What happened with this?

Just say no!.
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