Ako koristis TinTin++ mozes da customizujes ovo parche koda ispod za svog lika.
Primer je za draconian necrona.
#ACTION {^The following skills and spells are affecting you:} { #delay {0.5} {showMissingSpells;resetAffects;}}
#ALIAS {resetAffects} {
#var affDetectMagic -1;
#var affArmor -1;
#var affDetectInvis -1;
#var affMassInvis -1;
#var affProtectiveShield -1;
#var affWraithform -1;
#var affDarkshield -1;
#var affGhoulFlesh -1;
#var affLichsPalm -1;
#var affSenseLiving -1;
#var affImprovedShield -1;
#var affFlying -1;} {5}
#ALIAS {showMissingSpells} {
#if {$affDetectMagic == -1} {#delay {0.2} {#showme Lacking: Detect Magic}};
#if {$affArmor == -1} {#delay {0.2} {#showme Lacking: Armor}};
#if {$affDetectInvis == -1} {#delay {0.2} {#showme Lacking: Detect Invis}};
#if {$affMassInvis == -1} {#delay {0.2} {#showme Lacking: Mass Invis}};
#if {$affProtectiveShield == -1} {#delay {0.2} {#showme Lacking: Protective Shield}};
#if {$affWraithform == -1} {#delay {0.2} {#showme Lacking: Wraithform}};
#if {$affDarkshield == -1} {#delay {0.2} {#showme Lacking: Darkshield}};
#if {$affGhoulFlesh == -1} {#delay {0.2} {#showme Lacking: Ghoul Flesh}};
#if {$affLichsPalm == -1} {#delay {0.2} {#showme Lacking: Lichs Palm}};
#if {$affSenseLiving == -1} {#delay {0.2} {#showme Lacking: Sense Living}};
#if {$affImprovedShield == -1} {#delay {0.2} {#showme Lacking: Improved Shield}};
#if {$affFlying == -1} {#delay {0.2} {#showme Lacking: Flying}};} {3}
#ACTION {'Detect magic' %0 is active for %1 hours and %2 minutes} {#var affDetectMagic %2} {1}
#ACTION {'Armor' %0 is active for %1 hours and %2 minutes} {#var affArmor %2} {1}
#ACTION {'Detect invis' %0 is active for %1 hours and %2 minutes} {#var affDetectInvis %2} {1}
#ACTION {'Mass invis' %0 is active for %1 hours and %2 minutes} {#var affMassInvis %2} {1}
#ACTION {'Protective shield' %0 is active for %1 hours and %2 minutes} {#var affProtectiveShield %2} {1}
#ACTION {'Wraithform' %0 is active for %1 hours and %2 minutes} {#var affWraithform %2} {1}
#ACTION {'Darkshield' %0 is active for %1 hours and %2 minutes} {#var affDarkshield %2} {1}
#ACTION {'Ghoul flesh' %0 is active for %1 hours and %2 minutes} {#var affGhoulFlesh %2} {1}
#ACTION {'Lichs palm' %0 is active for %1 hours and %2 minutes} {#var affLichsPalm %2} {1}
#ACTION {'Sense living' %0 is active for %1 hours and %2 minutes} {#var affSenseLiving %2} {1}
#ACTION {'Improved shield' %0 is active for %1 hours and %2 minutes} {#var affImprovedShield %2} {1}
#ACTION {'Flying' %0 is active %1} {#var affFlying %1} {1}
#HIGHLIGHT {Lacking:} {bold} {5}